
Estuary name Spring Creek Estuary
CMA Corangamite CMA

Spring Creek Estuary is approximately 2km in length, with a catchment area of 153.0Ha, and enters the sea at the popular Torquay surf beach. The estuary s bordered by the Spring Creek Reserve which contains unique and rare Moonah Woodlands and Bellarine Yellowgums.

Estuary Values
  • canoeing
  • fishing
  • walking
  • bike riding.
  • Bellarine Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. bellarinesis) Status: Threatened (Adv List)
  • Coastal Moonah Woodland is a threatened plant community found adjacent to the estuary.
Estuary Threats
  • degraded estuarine vegetation
  • artificial estuary openings
  • degraded water quality
  •  livestock access upstream of the estuary
  •  degraded riparian vegetation upstream of the estuary
Data Site observations
Status Active
Monitor group Spring Creek EstuaryWatchers
Document Spring Creek Estuary Fact Sheet



Site details Options

S1 Boardwalk near estuary mouth

Active Physico-Chemical 24-06-2007 - 19-12-2023
Boardwalk near estuary mouth
Observations 140

S2 Middle fishing platform

Active Physico-Chemical 08-07-2007 - 19-12-2023
Middle fishing platform opposite first green on golf course
Observations 131

S3 Footbridge upstream of Great Ocean Road at Torquay

Active Physico-Chemical 08-07-2007 - 04-09-2022
Footbridge upstream of Great Ocean Road at Torquay
Observations 134

S3a Platform upstream of Great Ocean Road

Active Physico-Chemical 04-09-2022 - 19-12-2023

S3a fishing platform is an alternate site to S3 Great Ocean Road footbridge. Located 80m upstream from S3, it is less likely to be impacted by stormwater drains under bridge.

Observations 9

S4 Footbridge approximately 50m downstream of Aurora Crescent

Active Physico-Chemical 08-07-2007 - 04-09-2022

Bank approximately 50m upstream of Aurora Crescent

Observations 127

S4a Spring Creek at fishing platform near Aurora Crescent.

Active Physico-Chemical 04-09-2022 - 19-12-2023

Sampling from the fishing platform S4a provides an alternate location to site S4 footbridge (Bowmans Track creek crossing). S4a is 80 m upstream from footbridge on east bank.

Observations 9

SGB Spring Creek Water Level Gauge Board

Active Gauge Board
Water level gauge board located on inland side of footbridge upstream of the GOR bridge on the western river bank.

SMC Mouth Condition Observation Site

Active Mouth Condition 24-06-2007 - 02-10-2023
Changing platform at the front of Torquay Surf Life Saving Club
Observations 180

Sp1 Changing platform at the front of Torquay Surf Life Saving Club

Active Photopoint 04-04-2011 - 26-10-2023
Changing platform at the front of Torquay Surf Life Saving Club
Photos 404

Recent Events

Event Details
08-10-2023 Estuary Entrance Opening

photo of the mouth, someone's unofficial opening attempt?

25-10-2023 17:00
View all events

Estuary Snapshots

The EstuaryWatch snapshots provide a summary of estuary condition on a particular day. For all EstuaryWatch Snapshots, photopoint photos and a longitudinal water quality profile from the estuary mouth  to the inland extent is displayed. Read more

Full estuary snapshots below use dates where samples at every active monitoring site were recorded. View full and partial snapshots

Summer 2023

Spring 2023

Snapshot charts unavailable No snapshots were recorded at every active site on the same day for this estuary.
Reload with full and partial snapshots to include snapshots that did not record every site on the same day.

Mouth Condition Snapshots

02-10-2023 #15824

12-09-2023 #15826

Photopoint Sp1-1
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Content is made available to be used in any way, and should always attribute EstuaryWatch and www.estuarywatch.org.au