
Estuary name Merriman Creek
CMA West Gippsland CMA

Merriman Creek is a small creek estuary, flowing from the Strzelecki Ranges through intensive grazing and plantation forestry areas, before flowing to Bass Strait adjacent to the township of Seaspray. Merriman Creek is a source of potable water supply. The estuary is a popular location for recreational activities and fishing and provides a diversity of habitat for birdlife and fish. The area has important Aboriginal cultural heritage values for the Gunaikurnai people.

Estuary Values
  • Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • Bird species such as the Little Tern (critically endangered, Vic), White-Bellied Sea Eagle (endangered, Vic) and the Curlew Sandpiper (critically endangered)
  • Fish species such as Tupong, Long-finned Eel, Estuary Perch and Black Bream
  • EVCs: Coastal Saltmarsh, Estuarine Scrub/Swamp Scrub, Estuarine Wetland and Saline Aquatic Meadow
  • Recreation including fishing, kayaking, swimming, walking and boating
Estuary Threats
  • Altered Flow Regimes
  • Poor Water Quality
  • Bank Erosion 
  • Unauthorised Artificial Openings
Data Site observations
Status Active
Monitor group WGCMA Estuary Management Group
03-09-2020 16:55



Site details Options

MC1 Merriman Creek - fishing platform

Active Physico-Chemical 28-08-2020 - 02-05-2024

Head to the end of Trodd Street and park in the Seaspray Public Purposes Reserve at the end of Trood Street

Measure from the Fishing Platform closest to the mouth and furthest into the creek


Observations 60

MCMC Merriman Creek, Mouth Observation Site

Active Mouth Condition 18-09-2020 - 02-05-2024

Merriman Creek flows out into the surf beach. Due to the intensity of the wave action, the creek can be 'pushed' via longshore drift further up along the beach due to the intensity of the wave action. This can then threaten built assets such as the ramp access onto the beach from the surf beach and beach access boardwalks. 

The site is popular with fishermen, kayakers and surfers a like. There has been concerns in the past of flooding, and some anecdotal evidence of concerned residents 'opening' the estuary themselves. Currently there is a height gauge and the site has active telemetry of stream height organised by the Wellington Shire. 

Observations 61

MCp1 Merriman Creek, Photopoint

Active Photopoint 09-11-2020 - 02-05-2024

Merriman Creek Estuary is a wave dominated estuary. Due to its location in a rain shadow it does not receive regular inundations but is known to close. Anecdotal evidence suggests concerned residents will open the estuary themselves if they see fit. 

A popular site for fishermen, surfers and kayakers alike. 


Photos 232

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Estuary Snapshots

The EstuaryWatch snapshots provide a summary of estuary condition on a particular day. For all EstuaryWatch Snapshots, photopoint photos and a longitudinal water quality profile from the estuary mouth  to the inland extent is displayed. Read more

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Autumn 2024

Summer 2024

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Winter 2023

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