Estuary event details
Estuary Barham River Estuary
Region Corangamite CMA
Event type Weather Event
Date and time 30 June 2010 12:00pm
Description The 01/07/2009 to the 30/06/2010 was a quiet year for weather events on the Barham estuary, compared to the previous five years. The highest estuary water level for the year with the river mouth closed was 1.62m AHD on the 07/02/2010. There were no rainfall flood events creating high river levels. The highest water level in the estuary with the river mouth open was 1.6m AHD. This was on the 29/04/2010 from a high tide and large swell.
Significantly the more subdued nature of the extreme events for the year has allowed some new vegetation on the berm to survive. The protective berm in recent years has been washed clean of any new plant colonies by the end of autumn. Sea Lavender and Marram Grass commonly germinate by spring. Pockets of Marram Grass has survived on the berm.
Photo at BmP2 on14/07/2010: Swell event with the estuary water level 1.41m AHD. The swell is just crossing the berm. On the berm to the left is a new colony of Marram Grass that has survived for a full year.
Swell event with the estuary water level 1.41m AHD. The swell is just crossing the berm. On the berm to the left is a new colony of Marram Grass that has survived for a full year.
Swell event with the estuary water level 1.41m AHD. The swell is just crossing the berm. On the berm to the left is a new colony of Marram Grass that has survived for a full year.
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