Gellibrand River Estuary


772 results found (Displaying 501 - 550)
ID Date Status Details
#6621 27 Jan 2012 Approved Notes: 1.AHD at G6 0.62 08:30
0.59 11:50
2.Reducing flow out over sand build at mouth
3.Water flowing only between rocks & cliff
#6604 20 Jan 2012 Approved Notes: 1.Flow from channel greatly reduced from 17/01/2011
shallow flow over sand build up at mouth
2.Flow between rocks & against cliff face
3. Water level in estuary much lower - large sheets of drying algae draped over vegetation on east side
4.Small fish in water eastside
#6566 13 Jan 2012 Approved Notes: 1. AHD at G6 1.41 at 07:17
2. Mouth closed on 12/01/12 .
3.Waves have been over at last hi tide, width of berm at present about 40m. River about 1m higher than sea level. Signs of waves entering channel up to 60m
4.Rocks just showing above sand.
5.Bouy barnicles 100's of them all along beach & some in river
6.Sand mid beach has been reduced by wave action
7.Small rock fall near rocka
8. Dead Albatross east end of beach
#6535 6 Jan 2012 Approved Notes: 1.Entrance very shallow , waves over sand build up with small channel against cliff
2.Waves in all directions at mouth. Longshore drift bringing more sand
3. Sand around rocks higher
4.Reduced flow - no rain since 1.5ml since 26/12/11
5. Sand higher mid beach
6.Dead fish at entrance
#6532 30 Dec 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Slight pale discharge around mouth & halfway along beach
2.Channel only about 3m. wide & shallow -lots of turbulance
3. Water high in estuary even at low tide
4.Ocean beach- scouring at e. end continues, sand increasing in height mid beach.
#6529 23 Dec 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Reduced flow -only around mouth
2.Steep sand face at east end of beach has moved closer to dunes (height over 3m.)
3.Steep front to mid beach- sand higher at this point then sloping down west toward mouth -east end of beach much lower
4.Algae visiable in large sheets, bubbles rising & 'skeins' forming on surface - e. side of estuary
5.Many small 1-2cm fish in area e.side of estuary
#6528 16 Dec 2011 Approved Notes: 1.slight coloured discharge around mouth, east & west
2.Channel very narrow at mouth, flow only against cliff.
3.Waves in all directions at mouth
4.East end of beach still has high sheer sand close to dunes
5. High tide has nearly reached dunes on ocean beach & water was about 1m higher than present level in estuary
6.Small fish 1-2cm in shallow water s/e side of estuary
7.Dead Wallaby wrapped in large amount of seaweed near channel (juvenile)
#6426 9 Dec 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge along beach to east
2.Despite large pool behind rocks(upstream) actual channel at mouth is only about 3-4m wide
3.Sand building up at mouth assisted by longshore drift
4.Dark sludge line along channel with small pieces of rotting vegetation
5.East end of ocean beach eroded nearly up to base of dunes,steep face about 3-4m high
6.Sand at south side of estuary changing shape
7. Sooty Oystercatchers 3, at east end of beach also Silver gulls 8, Rufus bristlebird 1, White egret 1, wallaby 1, around estuary
#6531 8 Dec 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Slight pale discharge around mouth & halfway along beach
2.Channel only about 3m. wide & shallow
3.Lots of turbulance - water high in estuary even at low tide
4. Ocean beach -scouring east end continues
5. Sand increasing in height mid beach & sloping down to mouth
#6421 27 Nov 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Dark discharge only around mouth
2..Out flow only against cliff, cascading over rocky area between rocks & cliff
3. Channel upstream of rocks- bank about 1m above water- steep sided
4.Increased erosion at east end of beach, high sand area mid beach. Sand continues to build up around mouth
5.Dead shearwater east side of channel
6. Many waterbirds on north wetlands.
#6361 20 Nov 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Dark discharge around mouth & along shoreline to east
2.Waves in all directions at mouth. occasional wave over rocks & upstream
3.Channel only about 3-4m wide upstream of rocks
4.More sand build up east side of rocks & cliff face
5.High sand build up mid beach -sand cliff at east end of beach has increased height
6.Water level high east & south side of estuary
#6341 11 Nov 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Sand build up continues to increase at mouth
2.Steep edge to sand at eastern end of ocean beach remains
3.Sea has been high up on beach at last hi tide, large amount of Squid carpaces in swash line
4.Shell duck 18 on sandbar in estuary also large black comorant
5. Woodduck 3 on fishing platform, large increase in Waterhens, Coots in north wetlands.
Grebes 6, Swamp Harriers 2, Comorants 2, White egrets 2, Straw necked Ibis 18.
#6321 4 Nov 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Water flowing both sides of rocks but increased sand build up at mouth
2.Sea has eroded eastern end of ocean beach leaving 3m high face to sand
3.Continuing erosion on east & south side of estuary
4.Hooded Plover tracks on beach but no sighting of birds
5 Birds
Increaced no of Coots & Swamphens
Hardhead ducks, Swans, Ibis, White egrets,W/h herons, W/n Herons, Comorants,Wood duck, Teal, Grebes, Swamp harriers3, large mob of masked Plover 10 at G4
#6262 28 Oct 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge around mouth, also to east & west
2.Despite over 25ml rain during week flow seems to be decreasing
3.Flow only between rocks & cliff, more sand around mouth
4.Sand has been eroded at east end of ocean beach creating a steep face (1m+)
5.Sand visiable going out to sea about 50-100m from 2nd beach
6.More damage to south & east sides of estuary
#6241 21 Oct 2011 Approved Notes: 1.reduced outflow, sand building up around mouth & rocks, greatly reduced on east side of rocks -main flow close to cliff
2.Width of channel 5-6m at narrowest point upstream of rocks
3.Sea has been up to base of dunes at last hi tide
4. Continuing damage to south & east side of estuary. More saw logs from ocean beach in estuary
5.Flow from upstream reducing
Large black comorants 4- (mob of about 50 sighted during week),w/h herons 4, white egrets 2,
There has been large increase of White necked herons, White headed herons, White egrets, Spoon bills & comorants especially around G5
#6201 14 Oct 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge around mouth & to east
2.Small waves entering estuary
3.Area around rocks has been scoured out but sand is much higher on beach (2nd post covered)
4.High seas during week have caused more erosion east & south sides of estuary- deep channel behind reeds
5.Steep front to sand above ocean at east end of beach
6.Senecio elegans flowering in dunes, along tracks & on cliff face
7.No sign of nesting plovers - many dog & human prints through the area
8. Birds G5 - GP
Silver gulls 4,W/h herons 30+, H/h grebe1, Swans 4, Grebes 4, Coots 6, Waterhen 1, Harrier 1, Pied comorants 6, white Ibis 18, W/n herons, 34, Gt white egrets 29+, Spoonbills (pale beaked 30+ , Pied Stilts 10.
#6181 7 Oct 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Increased outflow, dark discharge around mouth & to east
2.Waves in all directions at mouth, whirlpool around rocks
3. Waves entering estuary & impacting on south & east sides
4.Water from recent rain event has been releasing -silt all along ocean beach & steep sides to channel upstream of rocks
5 Hooded Plover 2, attempting to nest at east end of ocean beach
4. White egrets 4, in estuary
#6163 30 Sep 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Reduced flow out, only slight discolouration around mouth
2.Waver entering estuary & impacting on south dunes and east side causing more erosion
3.Sand continues to increase around rocks & mouth
4.Egret fishing on rocks at mouth
5.Hooded plover 2, on 2nd beach (26/09/11
#6141 23 Sep 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark outflow around mouth & along cliff face to west
2.Sand building up around mouth
3.Waves entering channel
4.Waves up to base of dunes on ocean beach
5.Waves cutting away sand dunes south side of estuary & impacting on east side where water is surging up & along behind reeds
#6121 17 Sep 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Flow - out with dark dischage around mouth & to south
2. Small waves entering estuary
3.Sand building up infront & behind rocks
4. Beach - very wide & sloping, longshore drift bringing sand into channel upstream of rocks
5. Waves have been to base of dunes(ocean beach) at last hi tide, wave surge has increased erosion on east & south sides of estuary
6.Many Swallows over dunes, Silvergulls on beach 10, White headed heron at mouth
#6081 9 Sep 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Small area of dark water around mouth
2.Waves entering estuary & impacting on south& east sides
3.Sand building up around rocks - channel width reduced
4.Waves have been to base of dunes on ocean beach during last hi tide
5. Waves from south east at mouth.
#6162 3 Sep 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Only slight discolouration of water around mouth.
Flow is out but with waves entering estuary & travelling along face of dunes(south side of estuary) & impacting on east side.
2.Sand continues to build up around entrance & rocks
3.Hooded Plover 2, on second beach(26/09/11)
#6041 3 Sep 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Weaker out flow, dark discharge out around mouth, out to sea & toward east end of beach
2..Mouth smaller but water flowing on both sides of rocks
3.Beach wide with gradual slope, rocks at both ends exposed (Low tide)
4.More erosion to south & east sides of estuary from last weeks rough seas. (More logs close to car park)
5. Large area of sand exposed opposite of tunnel & sandbar
6.Channel between rocks & tunnel -east bank up to 1.5m. above water in some areas (very steep sides)
7. Dead Rail on track to car park (run over)
#6001 26 Aug 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Dark discharge around mouth, to east and also some along cliff to west
2.Beach flat with very gradual slope
3.Waves entering the estuary - continuing wave damage to east & south sides
4.Longshore drift bringing more sand back into mouth, whirlpool just upstream rocks
5.PARKS repairing the damaged gate to historic tunnel -Fox hunting on rockface above that area
6.Large black comorants 3, on sandbar.
7.Dog tracks on beach
8.Gladiolus undulatus leaves emerging along low track (increased)
9.Humpback Whales 2, sighted off beach 22/08/11
#5965 19 Aug 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge around mouth & out to sea, small waves entering estuary, travelling to east.
2.Waves in all directions at mouth, longshore drift bringing back more sand into channel (increase of sand around rocks)
3.Waves from rough seas (18/08/11) have been up to base of dunes pushing logs up higher
4.Beach wide & very smooth with gradual slope
5.More erosion on east side of estuary new logs high on low track
6.White headed Heron 1, unidentified very large birds about 30-50 meters out to sea 2.
#5946 12 Aug 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge around mouth, along foreshore & out to sea ( 100m.+) near eastern end of beach - discoloured foam visiable
2.Small waves entering estuary
3.Beach curved with small central area(20m.) with 1m.high steep front
4.Continuing erosion south & east side of estuary
5.Black Comorants 4, Gt. White Egrets 4, Pacific Gulls 2, Silver Gulls 6
#5928 5 Aug 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Strong dark outflow, waves in all directions at mouth.
Channel wide.
2. Longshore drift bringing back more sand into channel upstream of rocks
3. Waves have been up tp base of dunes on foreshore and estuary -south side of estuary has been further reduced
#5925 29 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark outflow around mouth, out to sea & east
2.Occaisonal small waves entering estuary
3.White egret 1. Whiteheaded herons 8, Pegerine Falcon 1. around & on sandbar
4.Seal reported swimming at entrance 02.07.11
#5889 22 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Strong outflow, area around rocks at entrance scoured out
2. High edge to south side of estuary(1-1.5m) also upstream of rocks
3. Channel very narrow near tunnel (Low tide) very large area of sand exposed
4. Pelican 1 & Whiteheaded Herons 2, in estuary.
5. Dead Antichinus on ocean beach
#5845 16 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Strong dark outflow to east & west, waves in all directions around mouth. Occasional small wave entering estuary
2.Beach covered with silt & reeds up to base of dunes, east end scoured out with large mass of foam on rocks
3. High edge to channel (1m above water level) on east side of estuary continuing around to rocks
4. Frost cover on estuary vegetation near car park
5.White headed Hreons 2, Rail 1.
#5801 8 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Strong outflow with visiable high turbidity
2.Water in all directions at mouth
3.Beach-gradual slope with deep scouring at eastern end. Large amount of foam on edge of beach & sea
4. 17 large logs on beach - more in estuary
5.Waves have been up to base of dunes during past high tides & rough seas.
6.Waves have travelled along sand eastside of channel and impacted on sand dunes south and east of the estuary. Large area has been removed on south side. Flooding of area near carpark has occured
7.Shellduck in estuary 2,
8.Dead Gannet 1, Dead penguins 2.
#5802 8 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Strong outflow with visiable high turbidity
2.Water in all directins at mouth. Longshore drift active
3.Beach-gradual slope with deep scouring at eastern end. Large amount of foam in breakers and on beach. 17 large logs on beach &8 more in estuary
4.Water has been up to base of sand dunes on foreshore and estuary, a large area has been washed away on south side of estuary during high tides & rough sea. Water reached ocean carpark along low track
5.Dead Gannet on beach, also 2 dead penguins, one eastside of the channel
#5764 2 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Discharge around mouth & out to sea - both east & west
2.Channel 20m. with 1-2m. steep east bank (Top shows interesting erosion shapes.)
3.Longshore drift returning to mouth.
4.Surfers (4) in waves around mouth area
5.Seagrass showing signs of re-growth along eastern edge of estuary.
6.Banded Rail at carpark
7.Cat, dog & fox prints around estuary
#5761 25 Jun 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Discharge around mouth & to east & west
2. Channel wide about 15-20m & flowing strongly.
East bank straight sided 1 to 1.5 m. high
3.Longshore drift back to mouth from mid beach
4.Large amount of foam & silt at eastern end of beach
#5701 17 Jun 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Salt water entering estuary, salt fresh divide about 30m.downstream of rocks, east bank about 1m above water, channel in that area about 15-20m wide, flow on both sides of rocks.
2. Waves in all directions at mouth
3. Sand built up at mid beach, longshore drift & wind bringing sand back into channel, & around mouth
#5667 10 Jun 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Strong out flow on both sides of rocks travelling through a much wider entrance and going to east along shoreline. Colour very dark
2.Recent heavy rain has increased flow. Channel between rocks & tunnel has steep east side (1-1.5m), channel in that area is about 15-20 m wide
3.Beach very wide with gradual slope
4.Recent rough seas & hi tides have cut into sand dunes on south side of estuary and impacted on east side. Debris is piled up along bank and sand has built up in reed area
5.Small area of sandbar is exposed
6. 2 dead penguins ( one without a head)
#5621 3 Jun 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Salt water entering, divide about 50m. upstream of rocks
2. Beach wide with gradual slope
3. Longshore drift bringing sand back around rocks & entrance. Hi tide has also impacted on channel upstream of rocks
#5601 27 May 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Beach very wide
2.Sand higher in area between rocks & tunnel, evidence of last tide bringing waves across that area. Waves have been up close to dunes on beach.
3. Very large cat on low track from Ocean car park.
Fox prints around water's edge
#5561 20 May 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Salt water entering, salt/fresh divide midway between mouth & tunnel
2.Recent natural release of water has cut channel with sheer side east of rocks
3. Beach very wide, sand building up higher mid beach
4.Sand build up visiable under water at mouth
5.Sandbar in estuary exposed, also large area on east side
6.Singing Honeyeaters 3.
#5522 13 May 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge around mouth - also to east along shoreline. Discharge to west shows much sand
2.Waves circling at mouth, some waves entering channel and high up on beach
3.Beach wide with gradual slope
4. Wind & longshore drift bringing more sand into channel between rocks & tunnel
5. Water level high in estuary
6. Dead Penguin 1.
#5503 6 May 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Salt water entering estuary (hi tide - 1.21) Salt fresh divide halfway between rocks & tunnel
2.Sandbar covered
3. Immature Hooded Plover east end of beach
4. Dead Penguins 2 Dead shearwater 2
#5459 29 Apr 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge flowing out next to cliff, visiable around mouth & to east
2.Sand still visiable in front of rocks.
3.Beach very wide with gradual slope, sand visiable under water level with end of cliff
3.Strange sand patterns in channel opp. tunnel
4.Sandbar has changed shape
#5439 22 Apr 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Sandy discharge around mouth, waves circling & long shore drift travelling along beach to entrance
2. Increased sand build up infront of rocks
3.Very rough sea 21/04/11 has reduced beach to wide gradual slope. Tide/waves have been up to base of dunes & also created a smooth sloping side to the river channel
4.Water levels in the estuary have been up to 1m. above the present 1.68 AHD level
5. Wave action has reduced sand dunes on east side of channel & south side of estuary
#5425 15 Apr 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Recent rainfall in catchment and low tide have combined to cause a large release of dark water around mouth & to east & west
2. Reduced water levels in estuary (low tide)
3.Ocean beach has changed shape - channel from sea to dunes mid beach. Signs of longshore drift mid beach along below dunes to river channel. Sand build up remains in front of rocks(downstream)
4.Many small fish 3cm. -15cm. along east side of estuary. Good sized Bream being caught during week
5.Large dark silt deposit s/e side of estuary
6. Dead Penguins on ocean beach, 3 with heads 'crunched'
7.Dead Fairy Prion 1.
8.Large amount of squid carapaces on beach
#5383 8 Apr 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Slightly increased out flow, discharge visiable only around mouth
2.Steep sides (1m)to channel near mouth
3.Beach very wide & sloping, rocks exposed at east & west ends
4.waves circling at mouth
5.Large areas of sand exposed in estuary, seagrass on east side is showing signs of new growth.
6. Wanderer butterflies (3) on beach & near nouth
#5365 2 Apr 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Very slight discharge( no colour) out through narrow (3-4m. )- shallow (30cm-1m.) channel.
2.Waves entering over this area & around rocks.
3.Channel directly upstream of rocks very narrow/shallow, has been impacted by sand brought along beach from longshore drift
Ocean beach gradual slope and straight to mouth
4.Water level height in estuary increasing
5.Squid carpaces & 'by the wind sailors' on beach near mouth, also dead white faced Storm Petrel.
6. Shearwaters ? (2) flying near mouth
7.Stubble Quail seen on track near Ocean beach car park
8.White lipped snake 40m. on Low track
#5331 25 Mar 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Out flow between rocks & cliff face, channel 3-4m wide, cascade over submerged rocks with a drop of about 1m.
2.Channel has moved left and along shoreline.
3.Sand build up against cliff uncovered
4. Increasing flow from recent rain is flushing channel Steep sides( to 1m.) are collapsing into flow
5.Sandbar in estuary is under water & water is up to the base of the dunes on eastside of channel & estuary
6. Last hi tide reached to near base of sand dunes on ocean beach. Longshore drift and wind are bringing more sand back into the channel upstream of rocks.
7. It was noted that a few days after the full moon large schools (2m wide by 1m deep) of small blue grey( 8cm) fish were swimming upstream
#5322 18 Mar 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Beach wide & sloping, sand in straight line along to rocks & behind, occaisonal wave over that area
2.Flowing out, channel width and depth still reducing. Waves entering between rocks & cliff
3.More sand deposited in channel from last hi tide
4.Erosion caused by wave action on east side of estuary has changed pattern
5. Serious increase of Euphorbia paralais on sand dunes and now to base of dunes on east end of Ocean beach
6.Dead Shearwater (recent) 1.
7. Dead fish east side of channel 2.-Tommy Rough 1.
8.New birds at east end of beach Sanderling (?) 1
Plover (?) 3. (Larger than Hooded plover)
#5305 11 Mar 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge out - around mouth and to both east & west
2.Shore line is straight to rocks with sand build up behind them
3.Longshore drift bringing in more sand to channel
4.Water very red colour in estuary.
5.Leucopogon pavarivifliorus dying off in all areas
6.Large no. Cabbage butterflies in all areas
#5242 4 Mar 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Sea entering estuary, sand build up around rocks.
2. Evidence of strong longshore drift at last hi tide bringing more sand into channel upstream of rocks
3.Beach has increased steep front
4.Increased water level in estuary
5. Many small fish in sheltered shallow areas - east side of estuary
6.Dead Penguins (2) (fresh) one with head & neck wounds
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