Gellibrand River Estuary


772 results found (Displaying 551 - 600)
ID Date Status Details
#5201 25 Feb 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Recent rainfall event has increased flow.
Dark discharge around mouth and to south
2.Channel has become wider and is flowing on both sides of the rocks
3.70cm. high sheer sides on east side of channel near rocks
4.Longshore drift is returning more sand to mouth
5.Water very red colour
6 Satin flycatcher 1, Whitefaced herons 2 s/e side of estuary
7.Very low tide 0.05
AHD board unreadable because of black deposit on surface
#5163 18 Feb 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Discharge around mouth & to west
2. More sand around mouth, channel only flowing between rocks & cliff, more sand on east side of rocks
3. Hooded plover (2) feeding along hi tide area
4. Great Comorant (1) on beach
5. Many crows around estuary
#5123 11 Feb 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Reduced outflow, discharge around mouth
2.Large area of sand exposed at mouth (low tide)
3.Channel flowing only between rocks and cliff, small 'whirlpool' carved out behind rocks (upstream)
4. Ocean beach shaped into 2 'bays', long gradual slope to water
5. logs (5) from ocean beach have been returned to east side of estuary and retained behind reeds
#5103 4 Feb 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Discharge reduced, visiable mainly around mouth
2.Water from overnight hi tide has been well up on beach & in estuary where it has impacted on sand dunes and e. side
3.Sand is building up in front of rocks (water on both sides)
4. 'Skin' forming on still water in estuary
5.Many small fish along se & e side of estuary
6.Long dead & decomposing Barracouta (?)100cm.
in debris s.side of estuary
7.Whiteheaded Herons 22, on sandbar ( 07:50)
increase of crow numbers
#5063 28 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge flowing to east, west & around mouth
2.Low tide has exposed rocks at both ends of beach, large sand area gently sloping to sea
18 large logs on beach.
3. Channel width & depth reduced, large area of sand bar exposed
4.Dead fish reported near Latrobe creek (26/01/11) and upstream
5.Dead Penguins 2, at east end of beach
6. Black Cockatoos 6, Golden headed Cisticola 1.(in reeds s/e side of estuary) many crows
#5456 22 Jan 2011 Approved Notes:
  • Seagrass area exposed and being trampled
  • Water colour still a very dark red/brown
  • Mullett being caught in estuary
#5024 21 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: 1.Very dark & dirty discharge to east and around mouth
2.Water very dark red brown- whole estuary looks 'Black'. Large amount of silt along waters edge
3.East end of beach is covered by about 30m of dark silt & foam . Foam is all around the mouth and travelling back up the channel as waves enter
4 High sloping bank on channel upstream of rocks
5. Hooded Plover nesting site has been trampled - no sign of birds
6. Birds in estuary White faced herons 26, Black Cockatoos 6, Crows 60+, many swallows & Martins
7. Stick Caddis fly lavae 4
#5457 17 Jan 2011 Approved
#4986 15 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: 1. mouth increased in width & flow, Waves entering estuary
2.Ocean beach - high slope to water, large areas covered with brown foam & silt. Foam up to 70cm high
3.Some logs from the estuary are now on ocean beach
4.Considerable longshore drift travelling back to mouth
5. Flood levels still increasing at G6
6.Increase of water birds & large no. of Ravens all along the river
7. Water just over bearer at G4, Rivernook flooded and water covering flats downstream . No water over O.O.R.
#4985 15 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: 1. Recent very high rainfall has increased flow, mouth is about 30m wide with a 2 tiered metre high leftbank at entrance
2. 30cm steep bank to channel upstream of rocks
3.Water very dark red brown colour
4.Beach -steep rise near entrance 10 large logs on beach + 7 more in estuary. East end of beach is covered by brown foam and silt
5. Hooded plover still around nest but not sitting for long periods as previously
6. Sooty Oyster catcher feeding near mouth.
#4943 7 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: 1. very reduced outflow, dark colour only around mouth
2. Channel near rocks has 30cm. steep sides - possibly caused by increase water release overnight
3.Water flowing mainly between rocks and cliff but also through a small gap between rocks
4.Water very reddish brown in colour
5.There have been very low tides and slight seas during the week.
6.Large sloping area of beach exposed. Also rocks at both ends
7.Caddis fly lavae (7) found about 100m from mouth in sheltered curve of east side of channel
8. Sea grass in estuary reduced and very small
9.Hooded plover still nesting but surrounded by fox,dog & human foot prints
#4961 31 Dec 2010 Approved Notes:
  • Channel width greatly reduced.
  • Flow from upstream decreasing.
  • Water only in channel between rocks and cliff.
  • Higher water level in estuary (water up to dunes).
  • Hooded plovers nesting at east end of beach, many human, fox and dog prints in that area.
  • Two dead penguins east end of beach plus one estuary perch.
#4884 24 Dec 2010 Approved Notes: 1.dark reddish brown discharge only around mouth, sand visiable in breakers out to sea
2.Sand increase at mouth and along channel - closer to rocks but flow still on both sides. Longshore drift bringing in more sand
3.Waves entering channel & travelling to estuary
4.Hi tide has been up to base of dunes, lots of dark foam along beach
5.Sand on ocean beach building up about 1/3rd way from mouth - gradual slope in other areas
6. Strange unidentifed marine object found on hi tide mark, also 'bluebottles' and small objects with 'sails'
7.Hooded Plover seen exhibiting nesting behaviour at eastern end of beach - many fox and human prints in that area
8.Many crows around estuary, silver gulls 8.on beach
Small fish (15cm) east side of estuary
#4841 17 Dec 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Dark discharge around mouth and to east
2.Longshore drift bringing more sand to mouth
3.Strong north wind driving waves 10-20cm.high to mouth, waves entering estuary along east side of channel
4.Wide beach area with gradual slope. Large amount of foam at eastern end.
5.Gladiolus undulatus flowering along low track.
6.Lotus australis found in dunes
#4801 10 Dec 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Increased flow from recent rainfall (55ml since 07/12/10) - very dark discharge along foreshore to the eastern end of beach then out to sea
2.Width of channel has increased with strong flow on both sides of rocks. Water has 'cut' into bank
3.More water in estuary
4. Waves travelling on an angle across mouth and impacting on east end of beach which is covered with brown scum and foam
5.Longshore drift is bringing more sand to mouith and channel
#4761 3 Dec 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Reduced flow around mouth with more sand build up downstream of rocks. Channel width reduced
2.Sandbar in estuary, larger area exposed with new
smaller area to east
3.Ocean beach - gradual slope to ocean, rocks exposed at eastern end
#4721 26 Nov 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Sand building up behind and infront of rocks.
2. 24ml rain at G6.over 24th &25th Nov.
#4712 20 Nov 2010 Approved Notes:
  • Sand building up in channell, downstream of roads.
  • More sand on east side of channel.
#4709 13 Nov 2010 Approved Notes: Cold and Wet Weather - Air Temp 13 Degrees.
#4647 5 Nov 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Strong dark discharge around mouth and along foreshore, also straight out to sea for a considerable distance
2.Longshore drift bringing more sand back to entrance
3.Steep side to channel upstream of rocks (1m.) possibly caused by strong flow from recent heavy rain
4. Increase of sand on east side of channel opposite tunnel
5.Seagrass in estuary greatly reduced some areas covered by sand from recent re-configuration of east side
6. Huge increase of Senecio elegans
7.Dark sand and turbidity deposits on ocean beach
8. Hooded plover prints on ocean beach (these were crossed by fox prints)
8.Shearwaters 70 found dead on beach. (Parks reported 74 on Gibsons beach & and fishermen reported many more on beaches between Princetown & Moonlight Head
#4621 29 Oct 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Reduced dark discharge around mouth & to east spreading out to sea. Sandbar visiable about 40-50m from mouth
2.More sand around mouth and east side of channel upstream of rocks
3.Increase of Senecio elegans in dunes and on west cliff face
4.White faced heron again fishing at mouth.
#4601 22 Oct 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Strong flowing dark discharge out to east about 40m from shore
2.More sand build up on east side of channel upstream of rocks
3.Also more sand building up on east side of estuary
4.Channel beside cliff face north of tunnel has remained, with sand bars still to west side of estuary.
5. Prints of Hooded Plover mid to east end of beach
6.Silver gulls 13, White faced heron 1, feeding near mouth
#4584 16 Oct 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Strong outflow, waves in all directions at mouth, foam & waves up to base of dunes. East end of beach has been scoured out -sheer sand cliffs at least 3m high.
Waves entering estuary - up to 30cm impacting on east side
2. Water level has risen due to recent heavy rain. considerable turbidity (150 at G2)
3. Recent storms have re shaped the formation of the dunes. Higher in some areas, also much covered vegetation
4.large increase of sand east of channel between rocks & tunnel
5. Water level of channel is higher directly upstream of rocks
6.Nine dead & dying Shearwaters. 5 around mouth
+ 4 more further to east along beach
7.Senecio elegans in flower,occuring in new areas along tracks and rock face west of the channel.
Serious trampling is occuring in the dunes because the tracks no longer exist. This will increase spread of Senecio and Euphorbia as well as destroying important indigenous vegetation
8.Many fox prints
#4543 9 Oct 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Flow both in & out, dark discharge only around mouth and to east
2. Whirlpool around rocks at mouth, longshore drift bringing more sand back to mouth & channel
3.Sea has carved out high steep banks of sand at east end of beach
4.Increasing erosion of sand dunes and east side of estuary.
5.Water in estuary is very reddish brown in colour, pollen can be seen floating on surface in some areas
6.Senecio elegans in flower -area reduced because of erosion
#4522 2 Oct 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Outflow reduced, dark discharge only around mouth
Lighter discoloured water & foam to about 70m out to sea
2. Water on both sides of rocks but sand returning.
More sand opposite tunnel
3. new pattern to sand bars in estuary with a small channel running close to cliffs along to end of rockface opposite camping ground
4.Not many Caddis lava left in area opposite tunnel
5.White faced Heron at mouth again
#4501 24 Sep 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Dark & sandy discharge around mouth, to sw & w
2.Channel reduced in width, flowing against west cliff.
Flowing both sides of rocks
2.Larger area of ocean beach exposed, black sand in areas mid beach. Lots of rubbish all along beach
3.Water continuing to erode east side of channel (sand dunes). Also east & south sides of estuary Channels & sand build up are occuring on east side of estuary
4.Several small rocks have fallen from cliff face above entrance to tunnel
5.On 22/09/10 1 dead penguin was found on ocean beach - east end and another was rescued from the next beach and taken to Parks
#4481 17 Sep 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Strong dark outflow, waves entering estuary & swinging to east as well as travelling north.
Waves in all directions at mouth. Much foam in channel and along beach
2.Foam & dark sludge on ocean beach close to base of dunes. Waves high up on beach
3. Sand is building up south of rocks and east side of channel
4. More erosion to dunes east side of channel and east side of estuary
Harrier 1, Letterwinged Kite 1.
#4421 10 Sep 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Strong out flow, dark discharge to both east & west
2.Waves in all directions at mouth, some travelling along the channel and swinging east into the estuary where they are impacting on the side of the dunes (increaced height) and east side of estuary. The end of the high track from the ocean carpark now has a drop of about 2.5m into deep water.
#4342 4 Sep 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Strong outflow with dark discharge around mouth to east along beach and also to west.
2.Some waves entering the estuary travelling down the channel and swinging east
Waves are going both upstream and downstream at that point
3.Waves are in all directions at mouth and around rocks where the channel bank is reducing.
4.Larger area of beach is exposed to east and directly around mouth.
5.The east &south sides of the estuary are being impacted by wave surge. Channels forming on south side near reeds
6.Part of the cliff face has crumbled near the point but no large rocks.
7.Dead Marsh frog in front of dunes on ocean beach
8.One lone Silver Gull on beach
#4323 31 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Very strong but reduced out flow. Dark discharge around mouth and both to east along beach and also to west
2. Fast flow has caused steep bank to 1.5m along east side of channel upstream of rocks
3. Sand has reappeared about 20m from tunnel. Sand bars in middle of estuary have changed shape and position
4.The whole s/e side of the estuary has been modified with sheer sides to dunes reaching up to
2-4m high
5. Large mass of Phragmities and rubbish around mouth and dark 'scum' up to base of dunes along ocean beach
6.Birds Silver gulls 8 - feeding at mouth, Hawks/ Harriers 6 - over wetlands
7.Valley still flooded
#4261 25 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Flow both in and out. NW wind bringing waves from estuary to mouth meeting waves from high seas. The ocean waves are reaching the base of the sand dunes on the ocean beach & up to 1/4 of the height of the western rock face at the point
2.Water is travelling back along beach back to mouth and around dunes on east side of the channel to the east side of the estuary.
High sand ' cliffs' have been formed (about 8 m high) which are continually collapsing back into the fast flowing water.
3. Large whirlpools and currents occuring around mouth and up channel
4.Large mass of Phragmities is floating near entrance
5.Large build up of sand is forming at mouth - from dunes to rocks but is mostly covered by waves.
#4223 20 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Flow is out but some waves up to 1m.high are entering the estuary & travelling toward camping ground and also around to the east side of the estruary.
Water is very dark brown & sand can be seen in waves at least to 100m. out to sea
2.More sand has been cut away from dunes & waves are up to the base of dunes on ocean beach
3. Sand is building up again at mouth - only 2 poles visiable. Longshore drift bringing more sand & phragmities back into estuary.
4. Large waves are mainly travelling diagonally across mouth but going in all directions, large build up of foam all along beach and mouth.
5.Wind is also travelling in all directions, 'curtains' of spray circling up to 30m high in estuary
6.Wedge tailed eagles(2) over wetlands
7.over 150 kangaroos sheltering near camping ground
8.Upstream flooded but OOR clear
9.Rainfall 12.08.10 to 19.08.10 = 115ml at G6.
#4221 17 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Strong outflow, waves dark brown full length of beach and out about 1K. to sea
2.Waver travelling into estuary over sand bars & around to east gouging out bank.Bank on south side has sheer front of about 2-3m.cut into dunes
3. Flood water has cut 8-10m. high sheer cliff into dunes on east side of channel
4. Mouth is over 60m. wide(no beach) and 7old piles of break water are exposed
5.Flood water has deposited a huge amount of Phragmites on the beach which is now being returned to the estuary because of reducing force and longshore drift from rough seas
6. Flood water reducing from peak(13.08.10) OOR is clear of water
7.Valley flats are still covered by water
8.G4. deck has been totally removed from bridge and several landslips have occured between G4 &G6.
#4162 13 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Extreme width and force of out flow has cut away south east side of channel causing a 3-4m high cut into the sand dunes
2.Mouth is about 40 to 50m wide, the old breakwater piles are about twice their original height. The base cannot be seen because of the strong flow
3.Beach is covered along the water line by Phragmities debris and logs to height 1m. high - 4m. wide
4.Sea is dark coffee colour and beaches toward Rivernook/Moonlight Head are covered by foam
5.Discharge is visiable to over 1k out to sea
6.Flood seems to have peaked about 07:00
Burrupa 7.0 Bridge totally under water
G6. Water up to top of culverts About 1.5m from bridge deck No markers visiable
G5. bridge underwater
G4. bridge & causeway totally under water
G2 Boardwalk under water
Valley from Princetown to G6 flooded
Flood marker O.O.R 1.2 at 05:30
Water to centre of GOR near Latrobe Creek
#4161 12 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Extremely wide strong dark brown discharge flowing out to both east & west
2.Recent strong gale force winds have caused sand dunes to rise about 50cm at site.Vegetation has dissapeared below sand
3.Channel is over 30 m.wide near mouth. Strong flow has formed 2m. high sand 'cliff' along east side of channel
4.Extensive flooding up stream
Burrupa 11: 30 6.5 with east end of bridge in water.
G6.Water flowing strongly through both culverts beside bridge, height marker underwater.
Water about 2 m. below bridge.
Flats flooded from G6 to Mouth.
G4. both bridge and causeway totally underwater.
O.O.R flood marker 0.1
5.Rainfall at G6 07.08.10 to 12.08.10 118ml. much larger falls upstream
#4103 6 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Strong outflow with dirty dark brown ochre coloured discharge around mouth & south out to sea. No discharge to east
2.Much turbidity in estuary, water opaque with dark deposits of silt left on sand s/e area (also on east end of beach)
3.Strong outflow from recent heavy rain upstream has caused sand'cliffs' to be formed (1m. high) along channel upstream of rocks
4. Long sand projection into ocean at eastern end of beach. High sand 'cliffs' remain at centre
5.Waves in all directions at mouth, stronger outflow on eastern side of rocks.
6.Longshore drift returning sand back into channel
#4083 31 Jul 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Water flowing out but waves entering, salt/fresh divide about 30m. upstream from rocks.
2.Large increase of exposed sand near end of channel (estuary). Channel shallow. Distance from sand to tunnel entrance = 10m.
3.Steep double sand 'cliffs' mid ocean beach
4.Sandbars exposed in estuary
5. Birds - Pied comorant 1, Singing Honeyeaters 3.
#3981 23 Jul 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Brown/red discharge visiable to 2/3 along shoreline with larger area around mouth and out about 50m. south
Out flow -deeper and stronger than last week but waves the width of the channel are entering and travelling up stream.
Waves sometimes cover rocks.
2.Longshore drift bringing more sand into channel
#3941 16 Jul 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Stronger outflow due to recent rainfall.Increased turbidity causing a dark discharge to about 2/3ds along beach from entrance.
2. Some waves entering into estuary.
Waves in all directions at mouth with more sand from long shore drift entering channel
3.Steep cliffs of sand have formed along mid beach and last hi tide has reached nearly up to the dunes
4. Salmon being caught on beach
#3861 11 Jul 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Salt water entering mouth and travelling up channel into estuary (green water)
2.Some waves covering rocks.
3.Sand 'cliffs' mid beach up to 2m. high
4.Waves 30cm+ from nw wind in estuary
#3841 3 Jul 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Water flowing out, some discharge around mouth.Waves in all directions - longshore drift bringing back more sand
Small waves entering estuary along east side of channel
2.Sand building up in front of rocks
3.Sand 'cliffs' have increased on foreshore, mid beach
4. Sand visiable in breakers out to sea
5. 1 Dead fish
6. 2 Terns, 1 Pied Comorant, 2 silver Gulls
#4042 1 Jul 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Water flowing out but sea entering. Salt / fresh divide visiable (colour change) about 30m. upstream of rocks. Channel depth is reducing.
2.Large increase of exposed sand at end of channel, sandbars also showing.
Width of channel near tunnel = 10m.
3. Very steep double sand 'cliff' at centre of beach
4.Pied comorant 1, Singing honeyeater 3.
#3781 26 Jun 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Waves entering mouth over a wide area and continuing on into estuary. Green water & foam visiable. Waves covering rocks.
2.Water from hi tide starting to cover estuary beach .Waves reaching high on ocean beach. Sand 'cliffs' forming near east end
3.Longshore drift bring more sand into channel
4. 1. large dead seal about 2m. 1. Dead Fairy prion
1 dead Antichinus found at waters edge on beach near mouth
5. 1.Large white heron near G2 site
Large flock of Sparrows s/e side of estuary
Unidentified Falcons calling from cliffs
#3741 18 Jun 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Out flow in narrow channel next to cliff at mouth. Waves covering a larger area over sand build up.
Some discharge can be seen around mouth and travelling along the foreshore to east.
2.Small waves are entering the channel and travelling to the estuary.
Waves in all directions at mouth
Whirlpool around and infront of rocks. Longshoredrift is bringing back more sand.
Increased sand build up infront of rocks
3.Sand is visiable in breakers 50m.+ out to sea
4.Beach is wide with gradual slope. Large amount of sand covering rocks at east end.
5.Last hi tide nearly reached dunes in estuary.
6.The river naturally opened a deep channel around 12th June. This resulted on steep banks to 3m. high along channel upstream of rocks which now have been reduced.
#3701 11 Jun 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Mouth perched with saltwater coming over and up berm to about 30 m where a salt fresh divide occurs in very narrow area.
2.Hi tide - waves reaching 1/2 to dunes and covering wide area but also at times leaving large area of exposed sand showing no channel.One rock has been covered by sand
3.Very strong south wind at mouth but wind gusts in all directions around the estuary. Sand still blowing into channel
#3683 5 Jun 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Flow out over wide large sand build up, deeper channel is near cliff and about 3-4m wide
2.Longshore drift bringing more sand
3.Small waves entering and travelling upstream along left side of channel
4.Beach wide and sloping, hi tide has reached half way up to dunes
#3621 28 May 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Rough sea bringing salt water from mouth along channel past tunnel into the estuary. Waves in all directions at mouth with longshore drift bringing more sand to the mouth and channel upstream of rocks
2..Channel between rocks and tunnel very shallow only slightly deeper between rocks and cliff where it narrows to about 2 m. Water and sand swirling around this area
3.Last hi tide covered about 2/3rds of beach
4.Salt fresh divide at tunnel at 10:05 but had moved well into estuary by 10:45
5.All boards have gone from gate at entrance to tunnel
6.Kestrel over estuary
#3601 21 May 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Greatly reduced shallow out flow across large sand build up at mouth. Channel flowing only between rocks and cliff.
2.Channel has been nearly filled with sand up stream to tunnel - depth only from 30cm - 50 cm.
Deeper water neat tunnel entrance has very large no. of fish 10 -25 cm
3. Beach wide with gradual slope, hi tide has reached about half way to dunes
4.Water in estuary very still - scum forming.
A white deposit is on vegetation along the sides of the estuary. More intense on s/e side
5.Large white egret s/e side of estuary
6.More boards off entrance to tunnel
#3563 15 May 2010 Approved Notes: 1. Mouth has opened over a wide area but discharge seems to be only around the mouth. Sea is entering along east side of channel and travelling into estuary
2. Strong flow has cut channel upsteam of rocks - 90 cm high bank on east side which continues around onto beach
3.Beach has gradual slope -evidence of last hi tide nearly up to dunes.
4. Pale green deposit on sand ripples in estuary where water has receeded
#3521 7 May 2010 Approved Notes: 1.Flowing out over wide shallow area. Rough seas entering across a wide area, waves in all directions. Longshore drift bring sand back into the channel both infront of rocks and upstream
2.Beach front is a very gradual slope to sea
3.Wet and windy
4.Banded rail near car park. Swamp harrier near G2
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