Gellibrand River Estuary


772 results found (Displaying 651 - 700)
ID Date Status Details
#2205 25 Jul 2009 Approved Notes: 1.Strong out flow. Dark discharge to east along beach
2.Very large area of exposed sand in estuary,channel at mouth reducing in size
3.Sand being carried from across build up on east side of mouth
4.Sand build up in front of rocks
5.Water going in all directions around mouh
6.Slight in flow along east side of channel
7.2 black shouldered kites, 2 pacific gulls, 3 royal spoonbills, 3 black comorants, 2 pied comorants, 1 musk duck, 1 egret,1 grebe( dark grey and white)
8.Many fox tracks
#2173 18 Jul 2009 Approved Notes: 1.Strong flow of very dark water out along beach to east .Much sand at eastern end of beach.
2.Beach has gradual slope down to sea
3.Freezing cold n/w wind.
4.64ml rain at G6 during week-more in catchment
5.Large amount of sand exposed on s-side of estuary
6.Sand build up on east side of mouth projecting into sea
7. 3.spoonbills,1egret, 1pied comorant, male & female musk duck
#2120 11 Jul 2009 Approved Notes: 1. AHD reading taken at G2. 0.19 9:30am.
28:00 10:40. Very wet and windy
2.Sand bars in estuary well exposed.
3.High sand cliffs along channel 1-2m. Rocks at entrance well exposed, water curving around to east. Distance from sand to tunnel about 10-15m.
4.Strong discharge along shoreline to east. Width of actual channel at entrance -15m.
5.Sand bar on left of entrance projecting south into sea about 30m from ridge running east to west along beach
6. Sand build up at eastern end of beach
7. 1.white heron, 1.whiteheaded heron
#2083 4 Jul 2009 Approved Notes: 1.Sea grass -large amount along east side of estuary
2.Strong discharge flow out to left along shoreline
3.Wind gusting to about 8
4.Waves in all directions with whirlpool near rocks at entrance. Rocks about 2/3rds covered by waves. Sand building up infront of rocks
5.Width of channel has increased
6.Wind blowing sand into estuary
7.Sand build up at eastern end of beach,rocks covered
8.Hooded plover-male sighted on beach 050709
#2064 27 Jun 2009 Approved Notes: 1.Reduced flow,discharge only around mouth and tending south for about 40m.
2.More sand at eastern end of beach,highest point about 50m+ east of entrance with gradual slope down to river
3.Depth at rocks 1m. with reducing sand cliffs upstream
4.Scum and rotting veg. on east side of estuary
5.6 fishermen, 9 surfers
6.1 egret, 1 grey heron,, 3 pied comorants. Lots of fox prints
#2023 20 Jun 2009 Approved Notes: 1.discharge contained around entrance.Nothing east of sand deposit on east side of entrance
2. more sand-east side of rocks
3.sand 'cliffs' along channel in two stages up to 1m.
4.waves in all directions around entrance shore wind flatening waves
#2188 13 Jun 2009 Approved Notes: There is a strong outward flow. Water is a very dark colour, with dark discharge around the mouth and east along the shoreline. Flood waters have carved a much larger and wider channel. Channel is about 12m wide halfway between rocks and tunnel. Evidence of longshore drift behind high sand on the front of the beach. There is a sand bar forming on the east of the mouth. 'Sand cliffs' between rocks and tunnel reach over 1m in height. Gulls feeding at river mouth, white egret in estuary.
#2190 8 Jun 2009 Approved Notes: The channel is quite shallow with more sand built up in front of and upstream of rocks. A lot of dead and green seagrass on the south and east side of the estuary. Waves are going over the 'sand cliffs' mid-beach and travelling wets along the beachand into the channel around the rocks. Water is flowing in both directions at6 estuary mouth. Small (40cm) waves are coming into the estuary.
#2185 5 Jun 2009 Approved Notes: Beach is carved out in the middle- high sand cliffs. Sea is going over and travelling down to mouth. There is more sand around the rocks with waves going over the rocks. Channel is shallow until past the tunnel.
#2189 2 Jun 2009 Approved Notes:
  • No wind
  • Smooth seas
  • Very low water level for the river in June.
  • Sand build up at east of mouth. The channel entrance is about 2-3m wide and quite shallow. Waves are coming across the mouth from the east and 'circling'. There is more sand built up east of the rocks and a small cascade between rocks and cliffs. Sand build up on mid-beach sloping back down towards channel.
  • Herons, beach swans and spoonbills on exposed sand banks
#2183 30 May 2009 Approved Notes: Flow is very slow at the estuary mouth. Berm is extending into the estuary. Sand cliffs are reforming mid-beach (1m high). Longshore drift is moving sand back into the estuary mouth at the entrance. Channel is shallow at the entrance (2m wide) against cliffs, not much sign of any discharge to the ocean, but there is a lot of 'sand stir'. Sea grass exposed in the estuary, some rotting with algae attatched on the east side of estuary on the waters edge.
#2148 23 May 2009 Approved Notes: Changed formation of beach: sand build-up reforming, but still a return channel before estuary. Very large increase of berm into estuary. Discharge to east along beach, some to the west. Some slight flow inwards along eastside (wave surge). Sand built up east of the entrance forcing channel closer to cliffs and rocks.
#2112 18 May 2009 Approved Notes: Upstream floods at rivernook, Pacers, water over boards at G2.
Strong longshore drift.
#2111 16 May 2009 Approved Notes: 3 dead yellow eye mullet near entrance
#2110 9 May 2009 Approved Notes: Mouth shallow
Bats feeding on large brown moths around estuary at night
#2109 1 May 2009 Approved Notes: shallow entrance
#2108 30 Apr 2009 Approved Notes: Strong outflow
#2107 29 Apr 2009 Approved Notes: Natural opening and flow out
Slight visible sign of discharge from estuary
#2106 26 Apr 2009 Approved
#2105 25 Apr 2009 Approved Notes: Flocks of wattlebird
#2104 22 Apr 2009 Approved Notes: 1 dead fish on E side of estuary
#2103 17 Apr 2009 Approved
#2102 10 Apr 2009 Approved
#2101 7 Apr 2009 Approved
#2097 5 Apr 2009 Approved
#2096 3 Apr 2009 Approved Notes: swans in estuary
#2095 1 Apr 2009 Approved
#2094 29 Mar 2009 Approved Notes: Fish kill at 54H 0687820
#2093 27 Mar 2009 Approved
#2092 25 Mar 2009 Approved
#2090 21 Mar 2009 Approved
#2089 20 Mar 2009 Approved Notes: 1m drop in last 24 hours.
#2088 19 Mar 2009 Approved
#2087 18 Mar 2009 Approved
#2086 17 Mar 2009 Approved Notes:

Artificial opening 10.30

#2085 15 Mar 2009 Approved
#2091 13 Mar 2009 Approved Notes: fish in shallows
#2084 12 Mar 2009 Approved Notes: Dead wallaby near water.
#1698 10 Mar 2009 Approved Notes: A lot of rubbish around
Bar is higher
One dead mullet
#1697 6 Mar 2009 Approved Notes: Storms 3-5 March
bar eroded, natural opening may occur
#1696 28 Feb 2009 Approved Notes: Water just starting to pool on low track from car park. No water over o.c.r.
Estuary has moved closer to ocean
Very high sand cliffs at eastern end of beach.
#1695 21 Feb 2009 Approved Notes: More water since lasst week - beginning of estuary has moved closer to the ocean.
#1694 14 Feb 2009 Approved Notes: 3 dead penguins near mouth
channel digging at ocena end of estuary. Not kids - footprints are large.
very high tide in past 5 days
#1583 7 Feb 2009 Approved Notes: High bar near ocean has increased with a drop in the middle before estuary, eastern end of beach carved out.
11.50 s/w wind change winds on beaufort scale = 5 at this time. High tide could be going over the bar further to the east and going down behind the bar. ( long shore drift.)
Surfer pushing jetski across bar on rollers, dog on the beach, blue dragon flies and many small fish present 5-9cm. 100's of crows on the top of the cliffs.
#1565 31 Jan 2009 Approved Notes: Small fish beig chased by larger fish at the south end of the estuary. Very long sand bar, many varieties of fish on the east side of the estuary. East end of beach scoured out rocks visible. Sand high on the centre of the beach, jelly like substance at the tide mark.
One lead 9cm flathead at the southend of the estuary.
#1545 24 Jan 2009 Approved Notes: No flow from the estuart to the sea. Sand is piled high on the centre of the beach, very long bar with children digging and playing in the bar. Some water, occasionally, reaching up the bar, 2 dogs on the beach.
#1544 21 Jan 2009 Approved Notes: Sand cliffs to about 20cm south of green rocks, very shallow after green rocks, people and their dogs crossing estuary.
Mouth nearly barred very shallow at waters edge, discharge going slightly left then dispersing ( along the beach to the east.)
A lot of sand stir in the area and out to the east of the beach and sea.
Evidence of high tide along the beach and around the estuary.
#1503 17 Jan 2009 Approved Notes: High tide mark half way to the dunes, more water in the estuary (salt increase upstream) huge increase in euphorbia in the area.
Lots of sea weed on estuary beach, channel at the mouth very shallow, but water barrelling out.
Extreme turbulence at mouthsome waves from both east e west. \Beach to the east seems to be flattening out, rocks at the east uncovered however, the sand cliff is reduced also.
#1453 10 Jan 2009 Approved Notes:
    Small silver fish around green rock at mouth; against bank in shelter beside turbulent water.
  • Lots of sand at mouth, water shallow.
  • 9/1/09 huge waves going out and sand cliffs falling.
  • sand has been dumped from waves coming east along thebeach to rocks at east end, then going out to sea.
#1450 3 Jan 2009 Approved Notes: Horses swimming in estuary and 2 dogs on the beach. Channel reduced, flow only etween 2nd rock and rockfall on cliff, depth of only 1m near the mouth.
Discharge along the beach to east, sand along the beach flattened out, sand dunes greatly changed in formation, beach and estuary littered will small (1cm) transparent thin cases and small blue bottles (refer to pictures)
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