Gellibrand River Estuary


772 results found (Displaying 101 - 150)
ID Date Status Details
#12714 16 Nov 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD  G6 0.88  @ 08.40  estimate only as board is covered with silt

Dark discharge out over shallow opening going close to foreshore for about 40m to east. Longshore drift across entrance.

Sand is building up in channel more shallow & narrow. Large amount of sand in breakers all along beach. Sand is very high at east end of beach.

Sandbar is exposed in estuary

Bright blue damsel fly in area of low track

#12514 9 Nov 2018 Approved Notes:

Continuing rough seas & strong west winds over past days (6.3-6.1 swell height) on 03-11-18) have created a small low berm which was observed formed across mouth around  06-11-18 pm.   The top of the middle rock was still uncovered. Waves had been over topping the berm at the last hi tide & entering the estuary - indicated by  sand & swash line. Beach undulating with some very low areas. Sand very high at east end where sheer sided areas occur at the top of a steep decent to ocean - beach slopes down towards start of berm & entrance. Waves have been up to base of dunes in some areas - indicated by swash line which contained large dense areas of small shells, tiny crabs, shrimp, extremely small Janthina-janthina & larger 'By the wind sailors'.

No water in camp ground or over any roads/tracks. Water up to the ocean car park along low track & up to the side of the recently raised OOR near flood markers (drains & sides of OOR are currently undergoing maintenance)

Flood water occurs on both west & east flats @ Kangaroobie, G4 (Rivernook) flats are under water with wide flow through dip in causeway. US G4 water in drains only up to between G5&G4 . Upstream from there to G5 water covers large areas on both sides of channel. Water just starting to enter upstream of Coxon's track (G5)

AHD @ G6 1.60 @ 07:15 rising to 1.61 @14:58                                           AHD @ G2 1.43 @ 07:15 rising to 1.46 @ 17:00                                                

#12453 19 Oct 2018 Pending Notes:

Strongly flowing dark discharge around entrance & travelling south with some moving east along foreshore.

Beach is undulating with waves going further in low depressions (running north south), large amount of sand in back wash from these areas. Strong longshore drift across mouth.

Heavy local rainfall combined with higher falls in catchment (41 ml. recorded @ G6 -total since 15-10-2018) have greatly increased flow with river flushing strongly. Depth profile showed similar readings from top to bottom of water column at G5 & G4

#12447 15 Oct 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6 0.95 @ 09:15  AHD board difficult to read because of silt.

Observations made at low tide. Extremely pale discharge out around mouth over large sand build up - also sand building up in channel. Reduced flow only passing through very narrow gap between 1st & 2nd rock and a larger area over rapids between 2nd. & 3rd rock. Some water passing between 3rd. rock & cliff base

Sand on south side of estuary extending north into estuary.  North wind driven waves (gusts much stronger than 4 ) have cut sheer side to the projection. Sand bar also exposed.  The east side of the channel south of rocks also has sheer side -possibly  resulting from tidal action



#12446 2 Oct 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6 1.34 @ 09:03      G20.54 @10:45

Observations made close to low tide

Dark discharge mainly out around mouth, paler area out to south, then travels east before going out to sea about 2/3 rds. of beach. Large amount of sand visible in breakers directly south of the entrance

Large areas of sand exposed on ocean beach & on south side of estuary where it extends some distance to north. Sand bar exposed

Stick Caddis found near entrance

I male & 2 female Red kneed Dotterels feeding in north wetland near GOR & OOR corner


#12406 21 Sep 2018 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out to east along side of foreshore, waves in all directions at entrance & along beach, some entering down east side of the channel into estuary. Strong longshore drift travelling west to entrance

Flats upstream draining, most extensive remaining water cover is around G5 where Cape pond weed is flowering prolifically

Strong red coloured discharge from springs in areas where low pH has been recorded along OOR

Very large dense mass of algae in drain/creek east OOR

#12368 1 Sep 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD board unreadable (estimate only) as covered with silt

Dark discharge out around mouth & slightly to east.Very large amount of silt & foam along beach close to entrance, occasional longshore drift across entrance with small waves entering. Beach face at east end is increasing in height & steepness. Depression formed more deeply behind this area dropping down as it goes west

Very large amount of sand exposed on south side of estuary & sand bar partly visible

More extensive erosion on south face of Pt Ronald

Flood water upstream receding but large areas of shallow water remain around G5 where Aponogeton distachos is prolific & flowering

#12367 23 Aug 2018 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out around entrance & to east, recent rough seas & strong outflow from draining flats upstream have created an extremely large amount of foam & silt concentrated mainly at east end of beach. Foam lines going well out to sea. Small waves entering estuary with occasional longshore drift across mouth

Large no very small 2-4 cm small fish observed in shallow water along east side of estuary

Dead Fairy prion found on beach below Gp1 site

#12342 17 Aug 2018 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out continuing along shoreline to east. Very rough wsw swell impacting on east end of beach where a large dense area of foam covers the beach & rocks. The very rough sea was sending small waves over the top of the strong outflow up the channel into the estuary

South side of estuary sand projection at start of channel is directing flow to create a small bay at the SE corner. Despite high flood water around G4 & upstream a small area of the sand bar was exposed

Melbourne Uni. setting up a research project in the estuary.

#12317 5 Aug 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD @ G6 3.40 @12:10

Estuary from G4 to G6 has been mainly been affected by tidal movement for many weeks despite deep extensive flooding upstream in all areas Area downstream G4 has not been flooded nor water over OOR despite heavy rain fall & large amount of runoff 

Dark discharge out along shore line to east but held back by rough sea.             Waves entering very wide across the entrance, some travelling up the channel into the estuary where they are dispersed by strong north wind against sand projection & beach on south side of estuary. Large waves are being driven across the estuary by wind

Area directly below Gp1 site has been scoured out by wind & waves becoming much lower than the rest of the beach. More sand has been deposited on new areas of the dunes

#12284 21 Jul 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD @ G6 3.03 @  08:47  SW swell 13-14 secs.

Dark discharge extending out around mouth & progressing towards east about 30m. off shore. Waves going well up all along beach, large amount of foam in swash line increasing towards east end which was being impacted by SW swell. Longshore drift frequently across mouth going over incoming swell & weak outflow. Whirlpool at rocks

More erosion & rock falls occurring on south & east sides of Pt Ronald

Estuary is tidal to G4 where water is being held back. Downstream flats are draining at each low tide

At 09:03 water from runoff - north side of OOR just starting to cross road east of flood markers

#12282 18 Jul 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6 2.30 @ 09;37       Air pressure 1010   SW swell 14-19-18 secs

Pale discharge only around the mouth, large amount of sand in breakers.           At 10:40 waves/saltwater was entering up channel. Waves & green water on eastside of channel & very narrow flow of slightly darker water moving downstream against cliff towards mouth assisted by extremely strong north wind

Very strong 5-6 NNW wind driving waves to SE side of estuary, but stronger northerly gusts were blowing sand down the channel into the sea, wind is also causing waves to impact against high area of sand mid south side of estuary. Despite this waves coming down the channel reach the estuary & disappear only to reappear much further north as they meet the sand bar

Only 2 photos taken because of wind strength

#12257 14 Jul 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6 2.86 @ 09:22

Dark discharge out around mouth but becoming paler as it progresses south. Large amount of sand visible in breakers directly south of entrance

Waves, some very high, are going in all directions along beach & 1st half of channel where some small waves are entering against a strong outflow & travelling down the east side of the channel. Because of low tide exposing large areas of sand the waves are unable to turn east but continue for a very short distance north where they disappear only to re emerge further north spreading wide as the sand bar is reached. Edge of sand on south side of estuary is about .60m above water level

Last hi tide has gone high up on beach & where a gas bladder of a fish was found in the swash line at east end. (possibly from Spiny Puffer fish)

#12254 8 Jul 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD  G6 2.77@ 11:55

Dark discharge going straight out to sea against south gale force wind & high sea, waves entering over very wide area & progressing down channel into estuary over high sand build up. Channel deeper close to cliff. Waves turning east at start of estuary. Waves going in all directions along channel  including whirlpool

Wind has scoured out dunes especially just east of Gp1 site. A second smaller dune has been formed in front (south)of existing one on top of  marram grass regrowth, then a steep slope occurs down to sea. Sand has been pushed up high against eastern dunes & extends further out to sea.Wind gusts still blowing sand into estuary

#12253 7 Jul 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6  2.20 @ 09:30         2.38 @ 16:02

Heavy local rainfall 04-07-18    08-07-18  = 43  ml.  causing flooding from run off but no water across any roads or tracks

Storm surge from High 7m.seas (WSW swell 13-14 secs) & South Gale force winds, waves entering channel over a wide area & crossing over high sand build up then continuing down channel into estuary where they turn sharply east & travel along south side of estuary. Water green upstream to past G2. Wind raising small waves that travel all across the estuary to north

Wind impacting/scouring sand dunes with stronger gusts carrying it along channel & into the estuary

Rock falls have increased at South & east sides of Pt Ronald

No photos from Gp1 site because of dangerous conditions


#12194 22 Jun 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G2   0.56 @ 12:25     G6  AHD  water covering AHD board

Dark discharge out around mouth & flowing strongly to east along beach front. Waves in all directions at entrance with small waves entering along channel, turning east along south side of exposed sand at south side of estuary, however strong outflow  travelling fast was further west closer to cliff face

Large area of sand exposed at south side of estuary had a sheer face about 20-40 cm.above water level which reduced near turn into channel, then rose again up to 1.50m. near entrance. The sheer sides were gradually collapsing into fast outflow & incoming small entering waves. Low water level had sandbar in estuary well exposed

No roads or tracks had water over & only a small amount from runoff in very low areas of camp ground. No water over OOR at flood markers as flood water is being held back around G4 where water is flowing strongly over the bridge. Some flooding immediately downstream G4 which was draining back into the river channel but upstream all flats have deep extensive water cover & very fast flow from G4 to past G6. Flood water peaked at Burrupa on 20-06-18 late pm at 5.06m.

#12174 18 Jun 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6  3.68 @ 08:45    Air pressure  1026.5

After yesterdays near gale force winds & extremely high & low tides a natural release occurred over night resulting in a very strong fast flowing dark discharge going out through a very wide entrance travelling both to east & west. The east side of the channel was sheer sided & about 1m.high, collapsing into the fast flow. Occasional longshore drift across the mouth being covered by incoming SSW swell. The wind had scoured the beach & channel area covering seaweed & again reshaping the dunes - Gp1 is now even higher.

Lower water levels around G2 have drained area around flood markers on OOR with water flowing through previously scoured out areas from north to south, but levels upstream are still rising & water from the river flowing onto flats around G6

#12161 16 Jun 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6 2.30 @11:30  Air pressure 1009.5

101.5 ml rain in this event up to 08:00 17-06-18. River rising quickly but water from flooding is only across OOR in very deep scoured out areas from last flood event. No water over any other tracks or roads.

Sea very rough with occasional strong longshore drift across entrance where waves are entering very wide & moving up the channel into the estuary where they turn sharply to east. Salt (green water) for about 40 - 50m. WSW/SW swell sending waves far up on beach - water is then travelling down a slight depression  west along beach behind beach face. Swell waves are curving around at actual entrance. Sand visible in breakers far out to sea & a very large amount of seaweed has been deposited in area where channel meets estuary & along the SW area of exposed sand

#12136 10 Jun 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6 0.90 @ 09:03      Air pressure 1026.5  N wind very cold

Observations taken from ground level not on top of dune (Gp1)

Dark discharge out around mouth & slightly to east. Sea rough, WSW swell impacting mid & east end of beach. Longshore drift frequently across the mouth with small waves entering & travelling down channel into estuary

Large expanse of sand exposed both on ocean beach & south side of estuary where broken off sea grass extends along the swash line in SW area . Sand high at mid beach with sheer face to top area of beach face

Pair of Peregrine falcons active along cliff above the channel, large no. of Coots west side of estuary. Also small bird noted going into a low hole in the waterside bank at east side of estuary

#12102 31 May 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G6 1.37@ 09:44  Air pressure 1026. SW swell 12-13 sec.                      Rainfall over night 24 ml.

Pale discharge out to about 50m east along shore line, flow reducing, going out over sand buildup at entrance - channel becoming more narrow. Small waves entering & travelling down channel into estuary. Slight longshore drift occasionally across mouth

Sand on beach still high slightly east of entrance but rapidly increasing at east end

Small penguin washed up alive but needed rescuing because of sinking deeply in soft sand. 2nd penguin found dead further along beach

#12084 25 May 2018 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out diagonally across entrance with some to south west. SW swell limiting usual easterly direction of outflow along beach front & impacting strongly at easterly section of beach. Waves in all directions at this area. Waves also in all directions at entrance with some longshore drift across. Occasional small waves entering along channel into estuary

Reducing but still fast outflow going over sand build up at entrance & immediately downstream of rocks, large amount of sand visible in breakers. Sand spit has been reduced & now higher sand extends to east along the beach front A  lower area where waves are going higher up on beach exists at mid beach. Highest area is still close to entrance

Erosion continues on south face of pt. Ronald

#12072 18 May 2018 Approved Notes:

Very rough sea entering across wide area, waves going up channel over a high sand build up from mid channel into estuary.(Wave action visible at G2). The sand build up extends into the estuary under shallow water cover. Only salt water entering, slightly darker water east of start of channel near tunnel entrance indicates some mixing taking place. Occasional waves going high up on beach. Waves in all directions along beach (sand spit remains) with longshore drift crossing mouth. Beach still highest just east of mouth

Very high & low tides with waves 3.7- 4.6 high Swell duration 16-15 secs.

#12049 14 May 2018 Approved Notes:

Observations made around high tide

Natural opening occurred late pm. or overnight 13-05-18 resulting in a strong dark discharge out across a wide entrance proceeding in both an easterly & westerly direction. Strong longshore drift constantly crossing over outflow & meeting incoming a curved SW swell. Intermittent small waves going down channel into estuary. Sea is moderate but high waves are breaking on sand bar close to shore. Large amount of sand carried in backwash & out to sea

Beach has been strongly scoured by recent southerly strong gale to storm force winds creating a small dune in front of existing formation & covering large areas on dunes with deep sand. SW swell continues to impact the east end & a high long sand spit now extends out to sea at middle of beach. Beach is highest just close to entrance

#12046 12 May 2018 Approved Notes:

Observations made close to high tide. Mouth barred after gale force south winds & high seas  on 11-05-2018. Berm is very low at entrance as 3 rocks are well exposed but rises high about mid channel & extends north under shallow water well into estuary. Wind & waves have scoured out east end of beach which is now lowest part. The highest part occurs just east of the entrance which is wide with some longshore drift visible

Wind has reshaped the dunes depositing large amounts of sand over vegetation and removing it from other areas. Rock falls have increased on south & east sides of Pt. Ronald

#12017 3 May 2018 Approved Notes:

Salt water entering wide over large sand build up exposed in channel upstream of rocks. WSW swell impacting at east end of beach, Longshore drift across outflow with waves entering estuary. Salt return only.

River level very low -minimal flow from upstream

#12004 24 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Observations made during an exceptionally low tide - auto monitor @ G2 -sensor above water level. Huge areas of sand in estuary visible. Flow reducing - not much coming down from upstream (G6 AHD 0.46 @ 12:13). More sand build up at entrance. Pale discharge around mouth & to west but blocked from the east by sand build up at mouth & sand bar starting from sand spit at centre beach. Longshore drift is active over this area

East end of beach continues to scour out from main impact of SW swell

Large no. Ibis & other water birds feeding along exposed west side of sand bar in estuary. Sea grass exposed along east side of estuary. Streamside veg. throughout the estuary & wetlands coated with a powdery white deposit where previously covered with water

#12003 21 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Observations made at low tide. Dark discharge out around mouth, usual easterly flow obstructed by sand bar. WSW swell mainly impacting east end of beach, sand spit diverting some waves back towards the entrance but longshore drift is in a WSW direction. Water level low, sheer sides of channel 1.5 -2.5 m close to beach face area. Waves from WSW swell & longshore drift crossing over out flow -waves & currents in all directions

Sand bar has formed from west side of spit to entrance channel & is visible about 15-20 m out running parallel  with shoreline

#12002 20 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Observations made at low tide. Flowing strongly out through start of channel about 6m. wide then widening around rocks & going wide over sand build up at actual entrance. Strong flow creating large waves , Sheer sides of channel collapsing into flow & a very large amount of sand being carried. Water cascading over top of rocks then creating large deep furrows where it is met by some incoming waves from WSW swell & strong longshore drift. Outflow waves up to .70 m close to shoreline area where action is scouring out large amount of sand.

Later in the day there was a pale discharge around mouth then going south about 30-50 m out to sea. Sand turbidity visible

#12001 19 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Artificial opening occurred @ 09:10. No flow before opening but waves had been over the berm reaching the estuary at last hi tide. Tidal range both very high & low 1.17 - 0.27

Beach formation had changed into 2 separate small bays divided by a sand projection at mid beach. East end of beach was being strongly impacted by SW swell reducing the sand 'cliffs' formed earlier.. Area west of sand spit only slightly impacted

Slight pale discharge only around the mouth & travelling west just after opening. Large amount of sand visible in water. About 10:30 waves started going up 1st part of channel  - backwash carrying out sand. Slight longshore drift across mouth

GOR -water 3/4 way across right lane. OOR Water over large area near flood markers (very large no. Ibis in flooded areas.

#12000 18 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth closed - no exchange

Estuary front is straight across the channel area. Many small fish (8 -12  cm) swimming near this area.

Height of waves incursion increasing @ 10:50 some almost reaching estuary. Large amount of sand in waves being scoured out by backwash at possible entry point

Some occasional very high waves breaking out on sandbar

#11971 15 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Waves over all along berm reaching estuary but only very slight salt return. High seas impacting at both ends of beach going high up on steep face of east dune & down beach to cliff at west. Increased longshore drift at high tide towards entrance

Water on hi track increased, water in areas across lower track to Ocean car park & several large puddles south of camp ground. No water across OCR between camp ground & GOR but increased water from runoff SW area of camp ground. Water flowing strongly from south to north across OOR in two areas at flood markers

#11999 13 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth barred. An Illegal opening had been attempted but the channel was blocked by the next high tide

Waves from WSW swell impacting mainly at east end of beach. A sand projection exists at mid beach diverting the wave direction & creating only a slight amount of longshore drift to west

Fish were observed in water at start of channel from estuary

Water up to ocean car park at start of low track. Some increase in water on top track. No water across any roads

#11948 6 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Reducing wave height & light wind have affected waves reaching estuary

Main impact from SW swell is at east end of beach, travelling hi up on sand & continuing to scour out previously covered rocks. Large amount of sand in backwash. Actual beach face at rocks is steep but further west high & rounded. Area about 50m from west cliff is highest part of beach - east end now much lower.

Beach littered with large no. squid carapaces

Only small amount of water at edge of south side of OOR & puddles a bit larger at SW end of camp ground

#11947 4 Apr 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth barred, occasional wave up into estuary at hi tide (15:00) being assisted by longshore drift

Very gradual slope down from estuary to sea, area very dynamic

Waves impacting at east end of beach with backwash dragging out sand

Water only across small area of top track & at south side of OOR near flood markers.

#11932 31 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth barred by wide berm but some larger waves have been overtopping & reaching the estuary at last hi tide. Large amount of seaweed deposited in the area.

Rough sea with longshore drift commencing around hi tide when observations were made. Sand visible in breakers out to sea level with east end of beach.

Only small areas of water on top track but low track completely covered up to car park. Extremely large no. very small fish observed in shallow water on low track also similar density at south side of OOR near flood markers

Only a couple of small pools of water at South West end of camp ground. Water visible covering most flats around and downstream G4. No water except in drain immediately upstream G4 (north side), but water entering north flats directly downstream G5

#11913 23 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

Entrance barred but waves over during high tide, very large amount of fresh seaweed on beach beside front of estuary, down E side of channel & around onto sand  at south side in front of dunes. Water in estuary being driven south towards berm by N wind (4-5) = waves down channel. Wind in many directions in other places but mainly around 2-3. Colour of water in estuary upstream to G2 is greenish brown indicating salt water going upstream. This was confirmed by depth profile taken at G2 & Lt1

SW swell impacting last 1/4 of beach (east end) with backwash taking out sand -  visible out to sea, only very slight longshore drift from 2nd lessor impact at mid beach

Estuary only .20m above the berm,  slight rise near ocean is 78.3m. from estuary front, then from that area to a dynamic variable swash line 7.3m.             = total of 85.6m. 

Very gentle slope down to ocean from estuary interrupted only by a small rise in front of estuary and an area close to ocean

#11920 19 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

Berm reformed- waves from v.rough sea overtopping up into estuary, only salt return. Waves are going wide across  sand build up in the recently opened entrance, the 1st rock is nearly covered with sand. Large amount of sand in breakers from back wash. Strong longshore drift across entrance

At east end of beach waves are going up over the recently formed sand cliffs & pooling in a confined area between top of sand & dunes.

Water is rising in estuary & areas previously left uncovered by recent artificial opening where very large numbers of small fish can be seen all along the low track

Observations from Gp1 site not taken  as wind too strong. Wind N in this area, S along channel & Se along beach

Photos downloaded are not in usual sequence

#11916 16 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth observation whether open/perched or closed depended on the tidal influence. The sea at the time of observation was entering over a wide sand built up area with no exchange of darker water from the estuary, green water was returning & could be seen in front of rocks. Very large amount of sand could be seen in breakers out to sea where the waves  were over 3m. high.

#11915 14 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:


Observations taken close to low tide

Slight very pale discharge along foreshore for about 30m., sand built up almost completely across entrance, only narrow channel against cliff face but wider up stream of rocks. Occasional wave entering over a wide area from rough sea. Extremely strong longshore drift across entrance

Small sand cliffs forming at beach face east end of beach

#11914 13 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out around mouth then turning east & going out to sea at mid beach. Sand building up at entrance & flow reducing. Strong longshore drift across entrance sending waves about 50m. up the channel but not visible entering the estuary

Swash line from last high tide high up on beach, side of channel & on S side of estuary where a very large area is now exposed. Sand bar is also exposed

Stream side veg. coated with drying algae

#11908 12 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD G2 0.35 @ 15:15(was 1.40 10:00)  AHD G6 0.40  @15:17 (was 0.50 @ 09:40)                                                          

Dark discharge out over sand build up at entrance. Strong longshore drift across mouth with waves entering over top of discharge

Very high sand cliffs remain at side of opening but sand is building up in that area

#11906 11 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD @ G6  1.46

About 18 hrs. after artificial opening 10-3-18.

Very strong dark & dirty discharge carrying a large amount of sand down channel through very wide opening (18-20 m) cut in berm overnight. Outflow is going out to sea over a higher sand projection then turning east. Sides of cut about 3-4 m. high collapsing into fast flow. Flow level is higher at rocks then cascades down to lower level where sand is building up (or remaining) in front of 1st rock.The strong outflow is being crossed over by equally strong longshore drift at entrance, waves generated are entering channel

Several very small flounder were found stranded on lower part of berm., many sea birds 'fishing' in outflow. Large number of very small fish observed in shallow water at S/E corner of estuary

#11905 10 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

 Mouth opened  - cut through very high berm  completed @ 15:20 

AHD G6 1.45 @ 09:05     -       1.46 @ 15:45

Low tide before opening exposed very wide area in front of berm where a 2nd small berm was forming close to cliff.

Estuary was completely across channel from cliff to dunes & front was wider &  moved closer to ocean. Water was very reddish in colour with some areas of algae formed in areas of shallow water close to stream side veg.

Strong  wave impact & backwash at mid beach moving a large amount of sand. Strong longshore drift from this area in front of berm to cliff face

No water over any roads (some at side of OOR near flood markers) Low track to beach completely covered & some water in lowest area of hi track. Camp ground has small areas of damp & water in SW area - from rising water table only


#11865 5 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth still barred, some waves have been over topping along the berm but not reaching the estuary where water levels are higher with  wider front . Water is completely across from cliff to dunes at northern end of channel

No water over OCR & only puddles from rising ground water in camp ground ( no visible connection with river observed) Water still only at  S side of OOR -between Lawson's & GOR (1 small puddle) More water near flood markers where a huge no. very small fish were observed swimming in drain & pond on S side. Small area of water on N side of road at west blocked culvert. More flood water on flats D/S G4

This is an very unusual event as there has been very little local rainfall /runoff.  Water in estuary has been mainly from springs flowing strongly (confirmed by many local land owners) & only a very minimal flow from upstream catchment

#11844 28 Feb 2018 Pending Notes:

Mouth remains closed & berm has increased in size with more sand over rocks. Water level in estuary higher with water over all of low track & small amount in lowest part of top track. No water over other roads, camp ground or tracks apart from water at side of OOR at flood markers where an extremely large number of small fish (1-4 cm) are very active

Estuary has now extended completely across from cliff to sand dunes at northern end of channel

Unusual westerly swell impacting east end of beach to around mid beach where waves are going further up - the backwash continues to scour out narrow depressions at mid beach with large amount of sand in breakers. Closer to east  small sand cliffs have formed at beach face

#11829 21 Feb 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth closed & estuary has moved closer to top of berm but higher sand around rocks & more on sea side of berm. Waves overtopping berm but not reaching estuary. Waves impacting mid beach with backwash continuing to scour out  narrow depressions

Water over all of low track but only damp patch on top track. No water on other tracks, camp ground or OOR

Large number of small fish observed in shallow water all around the estuary. Large brightly coloured tiger snake on sand near water at S E side of estuary

#11776 7 Feb 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth Barred                  AHD G6   1.14 @ 08:45     G2 1.17 @ 09:05

Observations taken near very low tide - Large expanse of beach with sand highest at east end possibly highest it has been for about 10-15 years.( However sand has been removed from Rivernook beach east of this site.) The shore line is horseshoe shaped with deep backwash scouring mid beach. Sand was visible in breakers going out to sea from this area

Berm is more exposed - front now1.70m high with more sand build up in that area. More sand has covered the rocks in the channel & the front of the estuary has widened. The water is also completely across to the dunes at the start of the channel

Water has completely covered the low track but there is no water over any other tracks or roads. Very large number of small fish observed at side of estuary from G2 site to start of channel. . Water is on flats downstream G4 but not on any pasture upstream - some in drains in small area close to G4

#11757 29 Jan 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth closed

Sea seems to have pushed top of berm slightly back towards estuary also lowered it slightly. Front of estuary has moved closer to sea. Channels have been dug at start of estuary.

Water level higher in estuary AHD G2 1.07 @ 08:30

#11748 25 Jan 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD  G6 0.99 @ 07:40 (both sites are very close  G2  1.01  @ 08:00)

High berm next to ocean - waves from rough sea coming up close to top but sand slopes down quickly to rocks where about 30-40 cm. of tallest one is still exposed above the sand

Sand is very high at east end of beach, numerous lower areas occur along the beach front till about 40-50 m. from the west cliff where it is much lower with waves going further up towards the dunes. The sand then rises much higher from there to the cliff face

Water levels in estuary are higher with some parts of low track impassable -no water over any other tracks or roads. Water is entering drain upstream of G4

#11732 21 Jan 2018 Approved Notes:

AHD @ G6 & G2 nearly the same

Small low berm has formed Waves intermittently crossing over into estuary in a wide area. Estuary front extremely shallow & narrow - no out flow only wave return

Beach very wide, waves from last hi tide have travelled far up. East end is highest with increased sand build up. Actual beach front is irregular with low area occurring about 40m. from entrance then increasing in height before reaching cliff face. Many Buoy barnacles partially covered with sand were found close to dunes at Gp1 site

Water height in estuary increased. Many small to very small fish in shallows alongside lo track, S & Se side of estuary. Algae continues to build up on stream side veg. especially in contained areas

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