Barham River Estuary


157 results found (Displaying 101 - 150)
ID Date Status Details
#7108 4 May 2012 Approved Notes: Rainfall last 48 hours 12 mm
Air Pressure 1019.5 hPa
River full to height of bank top, high rainfall in upper catchment over last 3 days has produced strong river outflow through recently opened estuary mouth.
Large flock of terns resting on river banks at fishing platform.
#6823 6 Mar 2012 Approved Notes: Atmospheric pressure 1024.1 hPa, Rainfall in last 48 hrs 2 mm. Note very strong winds over the previous week. The height and width of the dune between ocean and river has increased in height and width, with vegetation starting to colonize the dune opposite the fishing platform photosite. Although there was no tidal influence at the time of monitoring, the overnight high tide (1.5m) had pushed the level of the river higher, to leave wet stained sand along river bank.
#6661 31 Jan 2012 Approved Notes: Rainfall in last 48 hours 1.2 mm
Air Pressure 1015 hPa
A low berm is now well established across estuary mouth. At peak high tide large breakers pour over the shallow berm.
#6501 30 Dec 2011 Approved Notes: Rainfall last 48 hours : nil, Atmospheric Pressure 1020 hPa. Though the estuary mouth was closed, a very shallow berm blocked the mouth. At higher tides than 1.4m waves would break over the berm and raise the river level close to the mouth. Water staining on sandy river bank supports this supposition.
#6401 1 Dec 2011 Approved Notes: Rainfall in last 48 hrs 8 mm, Catchment rainfall in last 48 hrs 18 mm. Atmospheric pressure 1027 hPa.
River lower than usual. Gauge covered in mud to approx. 0.5 m. Water level just below this visible reading.
Tidal flow inwards from the mouth approx. 30 m upstream.
#6281 31 Oct 2011 Approved Notes: Atmospheric Pressure 1026.7 hPa
Rainfall last 48 hours 2.8 mm

Site of Photopoint BmP1 relocated close to hole #6 of golf course, on walking track, at far corner of fence, opposite post #00B. Selected with approval Rose Herben. Vegetation growth was obscuring view at old photopoint site.
#6161 1 Oct 2011 Approved Notes: Atmospheric Pressure 1010.5 hPa, Rainfall over last 48 hours (local) 23.6mm. Heavier Rainfall in the Otway ranges and catchment >40 mm. River full to banks carrying loads of brown sediment out to sea. Tidal influence would be minimal - high tide of 1.7 m overnight would have impeded outflow of river slightly, and again at 13.50 pm
#6022 31 Aug 2011 Approved Notes: Rainfall last 48 hours 2.6 mm, Atmospheric Pressure 1027 hPa. River flow was downstream at the bridge. Waves at river mouth moved upstream about 30 metres. Turbidity of river was very low due to low rainfall over last 3 weeks, and lack of sedimentation from mountain slopes.
#5921 6 Aug 2011 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1016.7 hPa
Rainfall in last 48 hours 0.8mm

River mouth wider and deeper than last monitoring observation. Height of berm across from fishing platform at bridge /gauge station is higher.
#5781 3 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1017 hPa, Rainfall over last 48 hours 2.4 mm
#5645 7 Jun 2011 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1012 hPa, Rainfall last 48 hours 17.4mm
River level high from winter rainfall, covering fishing platforms. Storm surge and high tide waves washing over lowered berms at both bridge site and golf course site. The berm at the mouth has been lowered to sea level at high tide. See photos. Storm surge slowing outward flow of river at high tide.
#5504 8 May 2011 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1015 hPa
Rainfall last 48 hours 3.6 mm
The River level at gauge is higher than it has been for a number of monitoring sessions.
#5382 7 Apr 2011 Approved Notes: Rainfall last 48 hours 0mm, Air Pressure 1029 hPa
Build up of silt and vegetation around fishing platform at Gauge site is changing bank configuration (see photo BmP2.2)
#5281 10 Mar 2011 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1017.4 hPa
Rainfall last 48 hours 1.8mm
There has been an accretion of sand on the berm close to river mouth since last monitoring session
#5086 3 Feb 2011 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1014.3 hPa, Rainfall 0.00mm last 48 hrs.
River level very low. River gauge exposed down to mud layers that have buried the lower readings beyond 0.5 m. Recorded reading above is an estimate only.
Stains and dampness of the exposed sand along river banks suggest that the overnight high tide of 1.4m did have a tidal influence on the river.
#4921 3 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1018 hPa
Rainfall over last 48 hrs 0.0 mm
More bed rock exposed at river mouth - see photos
#4741 29 Nov 2010 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1021.4 hPa
Rainfall in last 24 hours 14.6 mm
River Level much lower than during the winter season
#4629 31 Oct 2010 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1014 hPa
Rainfall last 24 hours 34.8mm
Heavy rainfall overnight and during the day in the Otway Ranges. Swollen river was carrying a heavy load of silt out to sea, discolouring the ocean beyond the shoreline.
#4521 1 Oct 2010 Approved Notes: O'night rainfall 1.6 mm
Air Pressure 1027.4 hPa
#4281 28 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: AIR PRESSURE 1024.2hPa, Rainfall last 48 hrs 9.2 mm
Otway Ranges including Barham Catchment received record rainfall with heavy winds in August. River banks overflowed into the riparian zone, large logs and heavy debris washed to estuary shoreline, and in places overtopped with silt and sand. Estuary mouth has been reshaped due to berm erosion on ocean side. River now back in its banks.
#4081 2 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1025.6 hPa
32.2 mm rainfall in last 48 hours
River swollen but not flooding due to heavy rainfall. Strong outward flow through mouth due to water volume in river
#3821 1 Jul 2010 Approved Notes: Atmospheric Pressure 1022.3 hPa
O'night rainfall 13mm
#3822 1 Jul 2010 Approved
#3641 31 May 2010 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1020.6 hPa
Rainfall in last 24 hours in Otways 35 mm
River was full to banks, flowing out of estuary at high tide, likely due to good rainfall in the last 24 hours
#3642 31 May 2010 Approved
#3484 30 Apr 2010 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1027.8 hPa
Rainfall last 24 hours 4mm
Large waves ascending the sea berm in several locations, and flowing down into the river on the other side
#3486 30 Apr 2010 Approved
#3341 1 Apr 2010 Approved Notes: At low tide the mouth would be closed. It is very shallow at High Tide, with sand accumulation evident.

Minimal rainfall O'night <1mm
Air Pressure1021.8 hPa
#3205 24 Feb 2010 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1023.8 hPa, Rainfall last 24 hrs 0
River very low, gauge out of water and mud covered the base, therefore river heights were estimated, not measured. Damp mud and stained wet sand suggests that there is tidal influence.
Readings taken before actual high tide so that photos could be taken in daylight.
#3206 24 Feb 2010 Approved
#3106 29 Jan 2010 Approved
#3105 29 Jan 2010 Approved Notes: Air pressure 1018.4hPa, Rainfall less than 1 mm
Mouth blocked by shallow sand bar (less than 0.1m). A higher tide would ride over the sand bar. Stain on sand along river banks showed O'night H.T. (1.32m) raised the river level at that time. See accompanying photos.
#2981 30 Dec 2009 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1015.5 Pa
Rainfall 0 mm in last 24 hours
#2982 30 Dec 2009 Approved
#2861 1 Dec 2009 Approved Notes: Reading at H.T. was much lower than usual, and there was no tidal in flow to change river levels.
#2862 1 Dec 2009 Approved
#2765 30 Oct 2009 Approved Notes: Atmospheric Pressure 1015.3 hPa,
Very low rainfall in preceding two weeks. Water level was below river gauge reading as the gauge was silted up to the 0.5m mark. River level was much lower than usual, and the sea level at the estuary mouth was also surprisingly low for a high tide reading. Gauge at the wharf in the marina read 1.6 m at High Tide.
#2766 30 Oct 2009 Approved
#2582 1 Oct 2009 Approved
#2581 1 Oct 2009 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1009 hPa
Rainfall last 24 hours 0mm

Berm at river mouth is slowly rebuilding from a very low level one month ago.
#2401 27 Aug 2009 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1006.5 hPa, Temperature 13oC, Rainfall 2.8 mm. Preceding high rainfall in Otways catchment and strong winds affecting river heights and outward flows. Very low berms had waves washing over them at high tide.
#2402 27 Aug 2009 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1006.5 hPa, Temperature 13oC, Rainfall 2.8 mm. Preceding high rainfall in Otways catchment and strong winds affecting river heights and outward flows. Very low berms had waves washing over them at high tide.
#2403 27 Aug 2009 Approved
#2221 29 Jul 2009 Approved Notes: Air Pressure 1023.1 hPa
Temperature 12.0oC
Rainfall 0.2mm
#2222 29 Jul 2009 Approved
#2041 28 Jun 2009 Approved
#2042 28 Jun 2009 Approved
#2050 28 Jun 2009 Approved Notes: Forecast: temp. 160oC, Pressure 1005 hPA, No rain
#1962 27 May 2009 Approved Notes: Weather overcast with frequent light showers. Temp 13oC, pressure 1022 Pa
#1961 27 May 2009 Approved Notes: Weather overcast with light showers. Temp 13oC, Pressure 1022Pa. See event
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