Anglesea River Estuary


245 results found (Displaying 151 - 200)
ID Date Status Details
#7701 5 Sep 2012 Approved Notes: Water at the mouth is a cloudy blue.
#7582 12 Aug 2012 Approved Notes: Anglesea River opened naturally in the last couple of days.
#7903 9 Aug 2012 Approved
#7398 5 Jul 2012 Approved Notes: Estuary was slightly too deep to walk across to access photopoint sites, but walked a long way round.
Noticed river to still be oddly-coloured.
Very fresh water - altered EC readings for many top samples during physico-chemical testing.
#7289 18 Jun 2012 Approved Notes: White cloudy film on the bottom of the estuary here. A number of dead fish could be seen in and around the estuary at the mouth.
#7252 7 Jun 2012 Approved Notes: There was only a slight flow in. The tide was coming in, so if it was low tide there probably wouldn't have interaction between the ocean and the estuary. The tide was pushing up the estuary, however it was still shallow enough to walk over. Notably, two weeks ago the estuary was artificially opened, which had caused some significant dunes.
#7172 7 May 2012 Approved Notes: Mouth state opened naturally, alot of rain present over the last couple of weeks. Flow into the ocean has carved out the sand into shelves.
#7170 5 Apr 2012 Approved
#6667 2 Feb 2012 Approved
#6548 5 Jan 2012 Approved
#6547 6 Dec 2011 Approved
#6174 4 Oct 2011 Approved
#6173 1 Oct 2011 Approved
#6167 30 Sep 2011 Approved
#5923 30 Jul 2011 Approved Notes: Troy Fynmore from Spring Creek EstuaryWatch attended this month's monitoring.
#5841 19 Jul 2011 Approved
#5648 9 Jun 2011 Approved
#5441 27 Apr 2011 Approved
#5341 29 Mar 2011 Approved Notes: Tide times: Port Phillip Heads; minus 15 minutes
#5448 8 Mar 2011 Approved
#5222 1 Mar 2011 Approved
#5042 25 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: Large amounts of sea water is being pushed up into the Estuary. At the mouth of the Estuary it is almost waist deep.
#5041 21 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: Rockwall at the river mouth had been exposed. See photos.
#5427 23 Dec 2010 Approved
#4764 2 Dec 2010 Approved
#4641 7 Nov 2010 Approved Notes: Water at the mouth of the Estuary was cloudy blue. See photos.
#4466 15 Sep 2010 Approved Notes: Water near mouth very blue and cloudy still. A number of dead fish were also sighted.
#4448 13 Sep 2010 Approved Notes: Over 100 dead fish found at the mouth of the Estuary. Six different species were identified. Small-mouthed Hardyhead, Australian Salmon, Black Bream, Yellow-eyed Mullet, Flounder and Tupong. Crested Terns, Pacific Gulls and Silver Gulls were seenfeeding on the dead fish.
#4628 1 Aug 2010 Approved
#4268 29 May 2010 Approved
#3241 6 Mar 2010 Approved
#3229 1 Mar 2010 Approved
#2884 4 Dec 2009 Approved
#2767 3 Nov 2009 Approved
#2482 26 Aug 2009 Approved Notes: Estuary mouth opened earlier today.
#2481 26 Aug 2009 Approved Notes: Estuary extremely high. Great Ocean Road Flooded.
#2269 27 Jul 2009 Approved
#2178 14 Jul 2009 Approved
#2116 27 May 2009 Approved
#2115 21 May 2009 Approved Notes: Estuary mouth opened by surfcoast shire on 19/05/09.
#2117 17 May 2009 Approved Notes: Huge swell for the two days prior.
#1225 26 Oct 2008 Approved Notes: water at the mouth is moving quickly, carving a path through the sand.
#905 25 Aug 2008 Approved Notes: The morphology of the estuary leading to the mouth has changed every week.
#904 18 Aug 2008 Approved Notes: Water from the estuary is moving very fast, carving into the berm.
#903 11 Aug 2008 Approved Notes: Water is moving rapidly from the estuary out into the ocean.
Water is carving a deep path out into the ocean.
Anglesea had a lot of rain today.
#902 4 Aug 2008 Approved Notes: Water in the estuary is exceptionally clear. It seems that the water has settled since last weeks strong wind. Great Egret out fishing in the estuary, great to watch!
#901 28 Jul 2008 Approved
#2489 15 Jul 2008 Approved
#470 4 May 2008 Approved Notes: -flow currently out but waves are starting to push up into the estuary with increasing tide.
#469 27 Apr 2008 Approved Notes:
  • waves rolling into the estuary.
  • 5 Ibus at river mouth, don't usually see them here.
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