Gellibrand River Estuary


772 results found (Displaying 151 - 200)
ID Date Status Details
#11710 7 Jan 2018 Approved Notes:

Slight pale discharge out to east for about 40m then turning out to sea. Flow very shallow  over increased sand build - channel very narrow & shallow. More sand around rocks -3rd rock restricting flow

Beach very wide with sand high at east end - reef exposed at both east & west ends

Only small area of sand bar visible & increased  algae (some iridescent patches) around streamside veg. alongside low track

Estuary perch & Tupong have been caught @ G6 (7-01-18)

#11683 27 Dec 2017 Approved Notes:

Pale discharge out along foreshore not far from entrance then dispersing out to sea

Channel very narrow & more shallow, reduced flow only on both sides of 3rd rock. More sand downstream of rocks making entrance wide & very shallow. Longshore drift across mouth still active

Beach has more sand covering rocks at east end. High in that area & also at mid beach after which it slopes down wide to the mouth

Large amount of algae on stream side veg in shallow water alongside low track. North wind bringing waves carrying algae & red silt? to S.E. cr. of estuary. Sand bar only part uncovered. Many Ravens around estuary

#11662 15 Dec 2017 Approved Notes:

Very slight pale discharge going out to sea just east of entrance. Reducing flow despite observations being taken close to hi tide Only very narrow shallow channel flowing between last rock & cliff. Waves however are entering over wider area & going across  from east side of rocks to cliff. Beach very flat with sand build up extending nearly across the entrance. Recent swash lines indicate waves going far up on beach. Backwash areas at mid beach are being scoured out into shallow N/S depressions. A lot of sand visible in breakers in that area & also directly out from mouth. Only part of sand bar visible

Algae in shallow water beside low track. Some in various stages of decomposition. Large no. small bubbles in one area. Moths wings also in these areas. In the shallow water along side low track there are large no. small very active fish. 6 White headed Herons actively feeding in these areas

Red silt/algae over dark black slimy deposit noted in shallow water of estuary at start of low track

#11635 6 Dec 2017 Approved Notes:

AHD @ G6 1.21

Pale discharge out around the mouth & slightly to east.

Water levels dropping after recent rain event. Swash line from last hi tide is high up on beach clearly indicated by dark silt.

Beach has been reshaped (possibility from recent short swell times & directional changes) with more sand close to entrance. No flow between eastern side of 1st rock & beach

More rock down from the south face of Pt Ronald

#11618 30 Nov 2017 Approved Notes:

G6 AHD 0.80 @ 08:00   (estimate only as board still covered with silt)

Slight very pale discharge out around mouth then paler- travelling along foreshore toward east end of beach. Increased sand build up at east side of channel D/S rocks (water level low). Only narrow shallow flow on east side of rocks. Waves across mouth, sea slight but with occasional higher sets.

Water colour in estuary very reddish & clear

Snipe at G6 & Pied Stilts on north wetlands.

#11617 24 Nov 2017 Approved Notes:

Observation taken late p.m.

Very slight pale discharge out around mouth dispersing out to sea about 50m. east from cliff. Very small waves entering & proceeding along channel into estuary. Longshore drift across entrance.

More sand has built up in channel & east side of channel DS rocks, but water still flowing out on both sides

Large amount of dead algae,scum & bubbles along waters edge low track. Large no. of small fish in this area

Water levels have dropped @ G6 but board still covered with silt = estimate only about 0.78 @ 12:51

#11600 17 Nov 2017 Approved Notes:

Very slight discharge out around the mouth. water still on both sides of the rocks with more sand at entrance. Some waves entering into channel & estuary

Beach highest at east end but wide very slight runnel forming behind beach front & dunes

#11573 6 Nov 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out & along beach front to east. Flow reducing less rainfall & less discharge from flats as nearly drained- except around G5 where Cape pond weed is prolific.

Large rock fall has occurred from directly above the existing 2 rocks across the channel & deposited a third one almost in line in the area of main flow closest to cliff face

Recent storms & very rough / high seas have reshaped the beach & brought more sand to entrance & channel. Sand clearly seen under water D/S rocks & channel more narrow. Sand bar in estuary is visible & a large area of sand extends from south side of estuary north into the estuary. Large areas of debris from storm surge piled up along the south east side of the estuary. Green algae is covering some veg. alongside area of low track - also silt laden seagrass is uncovered

#11543 20 Oct 2017 Approved Notes:

Small waves entering Estuary

Long shore drift across the entrance with sand building at entrance around rocks with water flowing either side

Sand in estuary slightly visible

Foam visible at entrance and large amounts of sand visible in the rough sea breakers

Horse tracks visible on low track, peregrine falcon soaring on the strong winds, many bushes flowering, particularly pink ragwort (senecio elegance)

#11514 16 Oct 2017 Approved Notes:

Discharge out to east, waves from longshore drift across mouth sending small waves down channel into estuary

Beach highest at east end, curved to about half way then projecting out to sea. Height then reduces toward west. Eastern end is higher. Occasional waves going over beach front, then waves travelling to west along depression. Dunes at east end have been eroded back to stratified sandstone & sand now covers the previously exposed ocean reef. Maram grass re veg occurring at base of dunes closer to entrance

Another dead kangaroo on beach close to east end

Senecio elegans prolific along low track, western cliff face & in sand dunes

Water has drained around G4 but large areas of visible water remain around G5

#11496 7 Oct 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out around mouth & along foreshore to east end of beach where it turns out to sea. Small waves entering over out flow. Longshore drift active across mouth. Flow on both sides of rocks but sand build up visible under water in front of rocks

Beach highest at east end. Large amount of dark silt & debris in swash line, heavier concentration at east end

Extremely large expanse of sand exposed on south side of estuary & across sand bar. Sea grass (blackened) exposed on exposed sand beside low track. Very small flathead Gudgeon/ Tupong trapped in pools left by low water level

Hooded Plover tracks in many areas along ocean beach -no nests sighted.         

4 Pelicans, 2 Shell duck,  1 White egret, small Cormorant on sandbar


#11466 22 Sep 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark & dirty discharge out around mouth & along beach front to east. Large amount of sand visible in breakers directly out to sea at entrance. Silt & debris in swash line along beach

Small waves entering, travelling down channel going across estuary from S to N

Small fungi found on top of sand dune. 1 peregrine falcon along cliff face. white egret, Grey teal & Cormorants on edge of sand S. side of estuary

#11453 17 Sep 2017 Approved Notes:

AHD board covered with silt almost un readable

Dark dirty discharge out flowing strongly to east. Strong longshore drift over mouth.

Beach highest at east end. Flow on both sides of rocks.

More rock fall on southern cliff face.

Two Peregrine falcons over cliff. Stick cadis on beach at channel/entrance.

Turbidity very high in estuary.

Waves going along base of cliff S-N direction in estuary

#11440 7 Sep 2017 Approved Notes:

Strong, dark and dirty discharge out, turning east

SW swell crossing over outflow (also long shore drift) - waves in all directions

Large amount of sand visible in breakers out to sea

sand E side of channel 1.30m sheer side from erosion caused by recent high seas

More rock down south & south east sides of Point Ronald

extensive erosion/debris low track

#11422 1 Sep 2017 Approved Notes:

No Photos taken -Camera in for repair

Strong very dark discharge out turning east. At east end of beach turns out to sea. Some discharge to west in front of cliff

Waves being held back by strong N wind but longshore drift meeting outflow

Water level in estuary very low (AHD 0.29 @ G2) with very wide areas of sand exposed in all areas, channel entrance from estuary only about 15m. wide - very narrow continuing to rocks where there is flow on both sides. Only narrow channel between sand on S side of estuary & sand bar. Ocean beach wide with gentle slope, highest at E end. Sea grass exposed at side of low track. (also 2 dead kangaroos & 1 Wallaby.

2 large clumps of Phragmities in estuary  about 10-17 m. from shore. Large amount of pollen in swash line E side of estuary

More rock falls on S E side of cliff

Wedge tailed eagle circling continually over estuary

Surfer reported many whales close to shore along ocean area



#11403 20 Aug 2017 Approved Notes:

Very strong dark & dirty discharge out travelling east along shore line toward Rivernook beach & beyond. Beach has large amount of debris in swash line & is heavily covered with silt at mid beach & further east. Water throughout the estuary very brown & opaque. Much silt & debris collected along south side of estuary

Steep sheer side to dunes has been cut N.E. of channel.Start of high track has drop of about 70 cm.

Low track has water in low areas also remains of 2 dead Kangaroos caught in reeds

#11390 12 Aug 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge mainly around mouth

Waves going high up on beach, entering mouth over wide area. Beach has been levelled out with large amount of sand visible in backwash going out to sea

Overnight storm surge (6-7 m. high waves) has cut into area at start of channel creating a .5m. -1.5 m. high sheer face on dune below Gp1.

Wind in different directions only 4 at Gp1 (sheltered by west cliff) but 6 on beach & eastern part of estuary

Low track is under water but no water on any other road or track apart from some at north side of OOR near flood markers.  Water pouring through eastern culvert but more water has built up at side of road near west culvert which remains blocked

Large areas of flooding upstream G4  Turbidity G6  29 NTU'S (east side)           24 NTU's  (west side)

#11389 8 Aug 2017 Approved Notes:

Pale coloured discharge out around mouth but salt water visible entering up to rocks where dark divide occurs. Strong longshore drift across mouth over outflow & incoming sw/wsw swell

Beach very wide - highest at east end but also high at mid beach after which it slopes down to the mouth. Wind & waves have scoured the face of the dunes at east end

Channel has become more curved with large waves from V rough seas turning east at start of the estuary. Waves have impacted on low track

Large areas of flooding upstream G4 with considerable rise in turbidity                G2  17 NTU's pH 6.5    Lt1  15 NTU's  pH 7.0     G6  22  NTU's   pH 7.2


#11362 21 Jul 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge around mouth,slightly along beach face to east, but more going to west in front of cliff face. Waves from WSW swell & longshore drift entering over top of strong outflow. Large amount of sediment/sand in discharge (turbidity 70 NTU's upstream) Water in estuary opaque & pale brown. Large amount of debris washed up on south side of estuary

Beach front has changed- high sand area mid beach has been eroded by wave action. Mid beach down to entrance are now lower & sand projection out to sea formed not far from east end

#11343 15 Jul 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge only around mouth & slightly out to sea, waves entering over top of out flow, strong longshore drift across entrance. Waves in all directions at mouth & along beach to east. Waves going up channel into estuary some travelling along side cliff face but strongest flow turns east around sand build up

Waves from SW swell strongly impacting east end of beach scouring out area close to rocks, waves going up over beach face into lower area then turning to west

Beach highest mid beach

More sand has been pushed into channel & down into estuary

#11326 7 Jul 2017 Approved Notes:

Pale discharge out around mouth & slightly to east along foreshore. Also some directly out to sea (south) & around to west. Small waves entering over outflow into channel

Waves strongly impacting beach at east end scouring out rocks previously well covered by sand

Beach is low at entrance rising higher mid beach to east end. The area below Gp1 site has been further smoothed out but more sand now around rocks & in channel    (current higher water level tends to make this more obvious)

Very cold conditions air temp 8c.

#11301 2 Jul 2017 Approved Notes:

Outflow out around mouth continuing east along shoreline. Waves entering over outflow from all directions, longshore drift active across mouth

Actual entrance still wide but more sand in channel  & start of estuary

Sand build up in front of rocks increased - previous high edges along beach have been smoothed out

Salt levels have increased at G2

#11293 26 Jun 2017 Approved Notes:

Some outflow but mainly salt from waves entering down channel ( which is narrow at mid point) then proceeding into estuary  turning abruptly to east

Sand build up visible under wave surge around rocks

SW swell strongly impacting east end of beach. Beach face higher near entrance but with several deep NS channels

Very strong wave surge creating dramatic whirlpool recorded where channel meets estuary on 24-06-17

Over period 24-26-06-17 very high tides recorded but not much rainfall

#11266 16 Jun 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out to east along beach face then turning out to sea before east end Diminishing outflow is over increasing sand build up at entrance & in channel

Longshore drift across mouth meeting incoming  SW swell & outflow but small waves were entering up into estuary. Salt water (green) visible to start of estuary.  Salt water was also observed entering 14/06/17

Beach curved with high gradual slope.

#11250 3 Jun 2017 Approved Notes:

Flow continues to reduce & a few small waves occasionally enter. Dark discharge out along foreshore to about 1/2 way along beach. Strong longshore drift across mouth

Extreme low water levels in estuary/channel  again -  even lower than on 20170601   G2  AHD   0.19 @ 11:46     G6  1.52 @   11:30.                                                 

Sandbar in estuary is not far away from projecting sand on south side below dunes leaving only a narrow flow channel. Large areas of sand are exposed on east side exposing sea grass partially covered by silt, algae & pale slick


#11249 1 Jun 2017 Approved Notes:

Reducing outflow with some very small waves occasionally entering. Outflow meeting SW swell but being crossed over by longshore drift. Impact causing 'pulsing' at G2,Lt1 & upstream. Outflow travelling along beach front (about 50m wide) then turning out to sea near east end of beach. A large amount of sand seen in breakers.

Ocean beach is curved, front has been levelled out into gradual rise. Waves have been high up at last hi tide.

Water level in estuary & channel is very low & extremely large areas of sand have been left uncovered projecting north into estuary. Sand has been scoured out at entrance uncovering base of rocks & remains of original pile from early breakwater

#11248 31 May 2017 Approved Notes:

Natural opening occurred overnight. Very strong dark & dirty outflow through a very wide opening 30- 40m., waves entering from SW swell & very strong longshore drift  crossing over outflow. Very dynamic whirlpool in outflow around & east of rocks. Wave action has caused 'pulsing' at G2 & Lt1

East side of channel has 3 - 4m high sheer side at entrance which reduces to about 1m. on meeting the estuary. This channel entry from estuary is also extremely wide.

Sand is continually collapsing into out flow also from wave action at entrance

Last hi tide mark on beach indicate waves have been over the berm almost up to dunes

Low track has almost drained but extremely large amounts of dead veg. remained piled high over the start of the track. OCR clear of water between bridge & camp ground but water remains in deep holes east of that area. Camp ground still has water in south & west areas

#11184 20 May 2017 Approved Notes:

Mouth barred but swash line & sand indicate over topping at last hi tide. Front of estuary only about 32m from ocean. Water level high in estuary with some flooding upstream. No water over top track or any roads

Beach horseshoe shaped with deep N/S ridges from backwash, waves entering further in these areas. Part of 'sand cliffs' remain

Erosion continues along face of Pt Ronald where sand extends further out to sea than with previous closures


#11155 8 May 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out but only around mouth.Waves entering intermittently down channel into estuary. Strong long shore drift across mouth, over SW swell & outflow

Sand build up has increased around mouth & along channel, also projects further into estuary

More erosion has occurred at south face of Pt Ronald also above channel close to entrance.

16 Coots on estuary & 1 Pacific Gull on Ocean beach

#11154 30 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Flow is both in & out. The darker discharge is not visible - held back by incoming waves sending salt water (green) upstream of rocks. Long shore drift across mouth over outflow meeting SW/WSW swell - creating a whirl pool around rocks.

Waves are travelling far into the estuary over an unusual sand formation extending north alongside channel. Recent storms have created both wind & wave action that has re shaped dunes, beach & channel.

Beach has high slopping face- very high midway ( beach very curved) where waves are frequently over topping. (very high & very low tides occuring) A high sand projection at near east end extends far into sea where large areas of sand can be seen in backwash

24 Coots & 1 Black duck on estuary


#11112 22 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Low visibility because of rain & mist

Very reduced outflow, discharge only around mouth. Channel from estuary has filled in, more shallow & narrow - about 8m. midway. Entrance has more sand build up east of rocks

Very strong long shore drift over outflow & incoming SW swell

Beach has high sand built up areas in a north south direction. Projections near east end & 2nd one close to entrance creating a horseshoe shape

#11111 15 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Discharge out south & to east (difficult to estimate because of large amount of foam), outflow reducing but entrance remains very wide. Some waves from long shore drift & SW swell are entering down channel into estuary where only a small area of sandbar is exposed. Sand is building up at east side of entrance.

An extremely wide expanse of sand  has been exposed extending far north into the estuary  well past level with the Tunnel entrance. The sand is high near the channel/estuary entrance but becomes lower & silt covered toward SE corner where a 'skin' has formed across surface of shallow water.

Low track has drained -sea grass visible under shallow water . Iridescent slick in some shallow areas.

Camp ground, OCR & 2 areas at flood markers OOR have water. The area at OOR has large no. very small fish in excavated area near blocked culverts. Flats draining upstream

#11110 14 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Flowing very strongly out of a wide entrance, dark discharge around mouth & to east.  Channel is wide at entrance & very wide at entry from estuary where it forms a curve around the Gp1 dune site. Channel also widens significantly level with rocks where flow swings around to east.

Channel bank on east side is sheer and starts at .3m from estuary, .80m just before rocks & over 2.5m at ocean.

Waves are entering across a very wide area over out flow.Waves going upstream are being created by both long shore drift and incoming swell. This activity is creating a whirlpool at rocks with a great deal of sand visible in water. Sand build up visible around & directly downstream of rocks

Beach face is gradual slope with waves travelling up to dunes at east.

Musk duck sighted on estuary

#11093 13 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Artificial opening commenced 08:40 - complete  09:30. flowing strongly out. AHD level continued to rise till after midday

Berm was opened from near midway across the estuary front where waves had entered during previous high tides. Waves were going high up on the beach at that time.

The excavation channel went straight over part of first completely submerged rock with the excavated sand being placed all along the west bank  - apart from a very small area placed on the east, directly at swash line.

Camp ground flooded & water at sides of OCR. GOR had water 1/2 way across & OOR water up to about .25m at flood markers near blocked culverts

#11092 11 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

AHD @ G6 1.91@12:12

Mouth closed but waves have pushed more sand into entrance & along channel. Sand has covered more of the rock and pushed further north into the estuary. Very loose wind blown sand at head of estuary to a depth of .30m (quicksand)

1st berm at beach face has been removed & length of berm shortened to about 91m with gradual slope to sea

Storm surge previous during previous days has reached dunes all along the beach then turned west (long shore drift) to entrance,channel & into estuary. Dunes have also been reshaped by wind -sand covering veg. at Gp1 site

Water in low areas at camp ground, at sides of OCR & across OOR at flood markers (about .25m)

#11065 6 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Mouth closed - very long wide bar with wide front across estuary

Beach highest at east end but also high area just east of the channel. There are deep channels along beach front  running  north to south.                                  Actual area directly in front of mouth is extremely low compared with rest of beach, and being continually scoured out by by waves coming up over the 1st small berm closest to sea then running west along a lower channel dividing 1st  and higher 2nd berm

Low track completely under water with many small fish observed, high track has water cover in low area, no visible water cover in camp ground and water only at sides of OOR near flood markers


#11064 1 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Mouth barred but waves from very rough seas entering over a wide area. Only salt return. Long shore drift across entrance

Large amount of sand at entrance and in channel -only about .20m of large rock above

Entrance is lowest part of the beach, sand is higher mid beach and at east end

Some waves going up over steep slopping beach front   almost up to dunes


#10995 25 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Mouth has been barred for about 5 days. Occasional wave overtopping berm but not reaching estuary.

Berm short in a similar pattern to previous natural opening. A small channel .50m wide is flowing beside rocks at cliff face but no outlet closer to sea was observed. A large amount of brown scum/algae across start of estuary, also along south side of estuary

Beach has been smoothed out, still highest at east end with projection at mid beach starting to return. Large amount of sand in breakers out to sea

Low track completely under water with many different sizes of small fish active

Over 50 Silver gulls on beach & along channel

Algae continues to form across Latrobe wetlands

#10990 17 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Observations made at low tide. Dark discharge out around mouth, slightly paler area to east. More sand has built up at entrance & along channel, steep east side has been reduced & more sand pushed in. Waves from WSW swell & long shore drift are trying to enter over very reduced out flow (low tide)

Beach still highest at east end undulating down to raised area at mouth/channel

#10989 15 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge only along beach face for about 5m.then mainly turning out to sea - some very pale discharge along shore line to reef at east. Sea has been up over quite a large part of the beach & has brought more sand to entrance and created a high swash line in the estuary from waves entering at hi tide. Small waves currently entering channel & estuary despite strong N wind (4-5). Sandbar in estuary well exposed about 70 white Ibis & many silver gulls there  at 12:15

Water in estuary very red colour with red silt(?) in swash line, water is also red around G2. Many small fish active in shallow water at side of low track

Latrobe wetlands -lower water level but great increase in algae                 

! dead eel on sand at start of channel. Still thousands of Millepedes

#10987 13 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Out flow reducing, only running along side high sheer beach face for a short distance then out south.Sand bar at mouth has increased also sand from east forcing flow between these areas. Waves from SE swell are crossing the sand bar & small waves trying to go upstream. The 2nd  rock is just starting to appear.

Sand bar in estuary is exposed & sand on S side of estuary extends far out . The high water has dropped significantly but the algal 'nets' that usually blanket the submerged stream side veg. are not evident, (but 2 very small contained pools along the low track do have these nets.) Some dead flathead gudgeons in these areas

Throughout this event there have been thousands of millipedes in all areas -even the dunes at Gp1

#10986 12 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Sluggish dark brown outflow around mouth. Channel is against cliff but flow turns sharply east along beach face till it meets sand buildup from east a short distance from actual entrance & turns out to sea. A small sand bar continues to build up across the front of entrance from the cliff forcing the outflow to turn sharply between both areas.(about 4m. wide). Some waves from SW swell crossing over the small sandbar into the out flow the occasional one going up stream. Long shore drift also active

Many small fish around start of channel from estuary. ! dead Black Bream (stranded)

#10985 11 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge out around mouth & along beach face to east end & also out to sea at end of new sandbar forming about 30- 40m  out from mouth, also a 2nd. small bar seems to be forming from cliff across entrance

Out flow wider & deeper but being held higher in curve at 'rocks'(only 1 uncovered) after which it turns toward east with sides up to about 2m. Beach curved high at E end & projecting out to sea at mid beach

Red sediment/algae?& iridescent slick on water surface S/E & E side of estuary.Water flowing along west bank(G2) from Latrobe creek contains fish with open mouths at surface but large amount of small fish activity along shallow water at side of low track- 1 dead Silver Trevally at start of estuary/channel

Water nearly drained from all areas up stream

#10984 10 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Very strong outflow with high waves  going downstream. Channel wider & deeper sheer side of channel 1.60m. Dark discharge  E along beach face but also diagonally out to sea behind breakers. Strong backwash, rip & long shore drift at entrance,. Only rock closest to cliff starting to be exposed. Beach highest at east end dropping down to mouth, projection remains.

Despite strong out flow water level has not dropped in estuary. 1 dead Flathead FOUND NEAR START OF CHANNEL

#10983 9 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Natural opening occurred late 08/3/17 - planned Artificial Opening for 09/3/17 was not required. Mouth opened against the cliff after sweeping around in a wide shallow curve with a sheer east side of about10-60cm.The actual opening was very narrow with the projection V shaped pointing toward the cliff, the flow then turned S/E against through the berm (about 85 cm. high), the out flow  was shallow & gradually turned sharply to east along beach face during the day.

The restricted area of the channel was much closer to the sea than the usual restriction of the rocks that normally hold back the flow. Beach was highest at east end with sand projecting out to sea mid beach then slopping down to entrance where the berm rises higher

Fish were gasping at the surface at G2 but further down in the estuary along E & S side were swimming downstream to entrance.

#10981 1 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Mouth barred but rise in water level has brought estuary closer to sea. Berm is quite low near swash line. Waves have been over the front & travelled about 1/2 way up to the estuary at last hi tide. Long shore drift active across in front of mouth. Sea was moderate but an occasional strong wave surge was going over berm further east

Observations were taken near low tide & waves too dynamic to get accurate berm height at ocean side

Ocean beach has 2 horseshoe areas, highest at east end where water has been up almost to sand dunes. Backwash has eroded the front in new formations. Between the 2 areas a high sand spit projects well out to sea

Algae is forming over large areas of the wetlands especially Latrobe creek area. Water at G2 is very still with a film across the surface

Many small fish active in shallow water along side low track, also many dragonflies -also large flock of Terns & silver gulls on ocean beach


#10840 23 Feb 2017 Approved Notes:

Wide berm formed - low separate berm  at beach face, dropping lower before rising up higher near rocks & continuing higher up to estuary

Attempted illegal opening

Beach very high at east end, slightly lower at mid beach but dropping down around mouth. Large irregular high & low areas all along beach

More erosion on south face of Pt. Ronald

Large sand area visible under water extending into estuary from channel. Low track completely under water but no water on top track

Flooding on flats upstream from Princetown township to G4. Rivernook flats under water & through causeway. Water has filled wide drain at west end of property upstream G4 but no visible water beyond that

Princetown Wetlands now have water cover

#10819 18 Feb 2017 Approved Notes:

Only high waves from very rough sea entering over a very wide area, slight salt return against cliff. Long shore drift very strong across mouth. Very large amount of sand visible in breakers directly out from mouth

Waves are over topping steep high beach face & continuing up toward dunes in some areas, water from the impact at east end is flowing back behind higher beach face & travelling down west  entering around rocks & into channel

Very large no. small fish, all shapes & sizes in shallow water along south & east sides of the estuary

#10818 17 Feb 2017 Approved Notes:

Dark discharge only around mouth, flow between rocks & cliff face (low tide). Recent release (AHD 0.70  20170216) & very low tide causing strong shallow outflow with large close spaced waves immediately downstream rocks

Strong long shore drift across outflow impacting on cliff

Swash line very high up on beach

Beach high toward east end but lower near mouth

Large no. small fish in shallows along low track

Princetown N wetlands draining but many birds observed feeding 12 Sliver gulls, 18 Masked plover, 4 Royal spoonbills, 2 with pale bills, 26 White headed Herons

#10809 13 Feb 2017 Approved Notes:

Intermittent high waves entering across a wide area over high sand build up at mouth & along channel. Very slight shallow salt return against cliff face. Long shore drift active

Sand is higher at east end of beach & has been height has been reduced closer to mouth. Waves have travelled high up on beach, some turning west to ward  channel & mouth

Cliff face erosion continues in areas near mouth

2 dead Penguins in swash line on Ocean beach

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