Thompson Creek Estuary


173 results found (Displaying 151 - 173)
ID Date Status Details
#6146 2 Aug 2011 Approved Notes: CAMERA NOT WORKING
#8020 25 Jun 2011 Approved Notes: Erosion seen in sand dunes along the beach. Very low tide- reefs exposed. Large amount of surfers present. Up to 20 cars in the car park. Very large kelp along the sides of estuary. Small migratory birds in seaweed beside estuary mouth . Course of the creek has moved further south due to large sand bar that has built up. 1/2 dozen people fishing in surf beside estuary mouth.
#6147 28 May 2011 Approved
#8019 17 Apr 2011 Approved Notes: Ocean very clean. You can see sand through water. Onshore winds. Openning to ocean is very narrow. Families sitting/playing along the estuary with dogs.
#6165 5 Mar 2011 Approved
#5124 4 Jan 2011 Approved Notes: Creek & river very low and shallow
#4992 21 Nov 2010 Approved Notes: Tide: very low, reefs exposed
Onshore winds, gusting.
Cormorants present at Estuary mouth
Paragliders setting up equip at Estuary mouth
Large shells & cuttlefish present in Estuary
Small outflow which is highly tea stained colour
Large dark gull seen flying around at Estuary mouth
#6164 2 Nov 2010 Approved
#4505 28 Sep 2010 Approved Notes: Thompson creek had a lot of water and flowing well outwards
#4991 22 Aug 2010 Approved Notes: Tide: low
Outflow from estuary very stained. Inflow from wetlands evident.
Large volume of traffic in area, trail riders seen riding along dunes and along estuary banks. Lot of surfers present
Large sandbars have formed on either side of Estuary.
Diversity of birdlife seen esp swallows
Wetland glasswort has been recently inundated due to recent heavy rains, strong seaweed smell in the area.
#4222 31 Jul 2010 Approved
#4224 26 Jun 2010 Approved Notes: Mullet creek flowing in/out quite fast with the tide
#4061 16 May 2010 Approved Notes: High tidal influence - salt water flowing a long way up into estuary. High outflow also due to recent rains. Large amount of seaweed being pushed up into estuary due to tidal influence.
#3502 28 Apr 2010 Approved Notes: 50 small waders present at mouth.
#4989 24 Apr 2010 Approved Notes: Very windy conditions. Offshore winds. Seas rough. Seaweed lining both sides of creek, strong smell noted at bridge. Five spear fishermen seen in area. Increase in non-native grasses in dunes. Increase in greenery on beach - flowering succculents? Large presence of bees, butterflies, dragonflies and beetles. Thirty small birds on sandbar at estuary mouth and six dead birds noted in seaweed along estuary - cormorants?
#8018 31 Oct 2009 Approved Notes: People walking dogs up the creek in knee deep water. Large storm last night , very heavy rain. Sea quite calm this morning. Low visibility, very foggy over sea and at the entrance of the creek. Steam rising off sand along the edges of creek and at mouth entrance. Seaweed evident along edges of the creek and waters edge. 60-80 gulls present at estuary mouth and 2-3 terns.
#2182 21 Jul 2009 Approved
#8024 17 May 2009 Approved Notes: Very big swell. All car parks full. Extremely large number of surfers using the area. Have had rain lately so outflow from creek is strong. Large amount of seagulls feeding where outflow and sea water meet. Water laying on the ground in nearby wetlands. Tissue/ toilet paper everywhere around the point, not noticeable previously. There are no toilets on site.
#8023 20 Jan 2009 Approved Notes: Very high tides recently. King tides occuring . Sea level flat. Swell large. Sea water pushing inwards as far as gunnery. Large amounts of seaweed present. Large flock of small migratory birds in estuary. Could smell nearby black rock treatment plant strongly.
#1641 3 Jan 2009 Approved Notes: Afternoon cool and windy for summer. Large amounts of seaweed on south side of creek. Weather has been very windy and cool over the past few weeks.
#13684 18 Nov 2007 Approved
#13687 10 Oct 2007 Approved
#13686 3 Oct 2007 Approved
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