Wye River Estuary


284 results found (Displaying 151 - 200)
ID Date Status Details
#11909 18 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

- the breeze, both in strength and direction, was very variable but mainly from the west.

-a large pond had formed between bridge and half way down the beach. the mouth was only just open.

#11850 4 Mar 2018 Approved
#11910 18 Feb 2018 Approved Notes:

Lagoon greatly enlarged with small flow over the sandbar.

Riverbank/tributary creek vegetation (opposite start of boardwalk) cleared by adjacent landholder /builder to improve views - see photo

#11764 4 Feb 2018 Approved Notes:

Colac Otway Shire have again erected signage at the river mouth (an annual summer occurrence) warning of high bacteria levels in the water and advise against swimming. Signage indicates that there will be further monitoring of the water and when acceptable signage removed. There is no indication of why the bacteria levels are so high.

#11740 21 Jan 2018 Approved
#11846 7 Jan 2018 Approved
#11675 17 Dec 2017 Approved
#11621 3 Dec 2017 Approved Notes:

- even though the river is flowing fast out to sea the tide is coming in creating waves running up the river.

-'Beach' under bridge and inland from bridge is becoming more established.

#11706 19 Nov 2017 Approved Notes:
  • Depth marker just in the water
  • Beach upstream of bridge more established
#11570 5 Nov 2017 Approved Notes:

Algae growing in the floor of the river near the fishing Platform - see photos

#11513 15 Oct 2017 Approved Notes:

1. Water level - unable to measure as too low- photo taken for reference.

2. Sand bank visible around water level measure - photo for reference taken from the Wye River bridge.

#11511 1 Oct 2017 Approved Notes:

The whole river bed upstream of the bridge is now covered with sand - we have a new beach (see attached photo). A lot of sand lost in front of the campsite and river flowing straight out to sea.

#11477 17 Sep 2017 Approved
#11423 3 Sep 2017 Approved Notes:

The river channel has narrowed and the depth gauge is in sand, thus no water height can be recorded. See photo.

Dolphins sighted close to the shore at 10.05am.

#11396 20 Aug 2017 Approved Notes:

Depth gauge not in river due to change in river course-river narrow at gauge, see photo.

Storm water drain flowing from caravan park, see photo.

Beach access steps - new construction and drain, see photo.

#11374 6 Aug 2017 Approved
#11354 16 Jul 2017 Approved Notes:

Wind gusty and chill factor high, FREEZING!

The ramp to the beach has been underscored by high tides and big swells a few weeks ago. The grass edge at beach continues to erode.

Strong growth of shrubs and trees on bank at foreshore camping ground side of river.

River from sea side of bridge flowing in unusual shape. Flowing north-south or right to left before flowing out along a more usual path.


#11313 2 Jul 2017 Approved Notes:

Water level gauge was completely above the water level.

#11267 18 Jun 2017 Approved
#11254 9 Jun 2017 Approved
#11299 4 Jun 2017 Approved Notes:

More erosion on the grassy bank, pipe sticking out again

#11196 21 May 2017 Approved
#11138 7 May 2017 Approved Notes:

Photos were taken later due to frequent showers.

#11117 16 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

assisted by CL, HL, AC

#11082 13 Apr 2017 Approved
#11083 2 Apr 2017 Approved Notes:

Estuary has undergone significant change in last 2 weeks following heavy rain and very high tides

#10946 19 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

River between bridge and sea like a large very still lagoon with lots of algae - 2 schools of little fish observed.

Photo taken of water level marker under the bridge- the measurements are very difficult to read- suggest the numbers could be marked in another colour and the line extended right across the post.

#10901 5 Mar 2017 Approved
#10820 19 Feb 2017 Approved Notes:

The increased growth of the tree on the river bank dominates the Wyp1 Photopoint site.

#10789 5 Feb 2017 Approved Notes:

The sign that says no swimming in the mouth of the river is still  in position on the beach. This sign has been in place for over one year indicating that it is unsafe to swim in the estuary for all of that time - which is untrue. Juliet has spoken to council employees about the sign - but there has been no action.

There is a lot of algae in the river - both sides of the river and upstream 

#10718 15 Jan 2017 Approved Notes:

Helen Moriarty assisted with entering today's data as a new volunteer.

#10663 1 Jan 2017 Approved Notes:

We had two observer/ visitors:

  • Sam , a Wye river semi-permanent resident and an employee from Gippsland CMA region - was an observer 
  •  Jennifer Wood -a Wye river semi-permanent resident.

The signs - (that have been installed on Wye River beachfront location for over 12 months - first installed in December 2015) indicating that the estuary is unsuitable for swimming - are still in place.

 The stormwater,  outlet flowing onto the beach,  adjacent to the pub is making the sand black- see photo 


#10653 18 Dec 2016 Approved
#10592 4 Dec 2016 Approved Notes:
  • Lagoon increasing in size.
  • Water flow reduced.
  • More people.
#10560 20 Nov 2016 Approved
#10619 6 Nov 2016 Approved
#10514 16 Oct 2016 Approved
#10553 2 Oct 2016 Approved Notes:

Water level below gauge base.

Daylight saving time started last night.

When doing Waterwatch yesterday at 9.30 am, there was tidal in-flow under the bridge up to the Fishing Platform.

The river inland of the bridge has completely changed, with a pebble sandbank in the middle opposite the playground.

#10551 18 Sep 2016 Approved Notes:

Observations made post-14 September major rain event - >100 ml in 24 hours.

Water depth gauge exposed above river water level.

River stones now exposed.

Sand bank on north side of bridge has been washed away,.

Floodwater debris on beach.

#10755 4 Sep 2016 Approved Notes:

Even more sand.

#10549 21 Aug 2016 Approved Notes:

Additional sandbank under the bridge, still there, partly covering water level gauge.

#10756 7 Aug 2016 Approved Notes:
  • more erosion of grassy bank. White pipe exposed again.
  • more sand deposition upstream of bridge.
  • depth board buried to almost 1.3m AHD
#10548 17 Jul 2016 Approved Notes:

River level gauge in isolated pool due to sand movement

#10513 3 Jul 2016 Approved Notes:

The recently installed water level gauge buried in sand.

3 photos were taken to show extensive sand coverage under the Wye River bridge.

Time 10.25

#10388 19 Jun 2016 Approved Notes:

Significant beach erosion at edge of foreshore grass - chunks are coming away.
There's a lot of sand under the bridges - up to 1.1m on the new depth measure (and rising!)

#10757 8 Jun 2016 Approved
#10351 5 Jun 2016 Approved Notes:

Water level maker needs a clean- difficult to read.

#10305 15 May 2016 Approved
#10283 1 May 2016 Approved Notes: Gusty Wind.
Heavy rain - 20 ml overnight
River flow-path now almost at top of beach edge - near road
#10251 17 Apr 2016 Approved Notes:

Rain during the week

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