Aire River Estuary


6 results found (Displaying 1 - 6)
ID Date Status Details
#16271 6 Jul 2024 Pending Notes:

High tide breaches berm. 

#16186 27 May 2024 Pending Notes:

Rising tide, traces of excavated channel and observed tide very close to breaching berm. Would be tidal input to estuary at high tide.

Was able to access beach along river banks

#16141 27 Apr 2024 Pending Notes:

River was just outflowing on arrival at site, then rising tide was inflowing by 11:10. Traces of the excavated channel observed at last visit but quite silted up by tidal influence. River level had risen quite dramatically over the previous week from about .09m to 1.3m at Hordern Vale gauging station.

#16092 6 Apr 2024 Pending Notes:

1.1m tide at 10:14 interpolated from willy weather

photo 3 and 4 is elevated view from top of front dune, 

photos 1 and 2 from seagrass clump at base of dune

photos 5 and 6 from top of dune access track showing sea state

#16068 23 Mar 2024 Pending Notes:

River gauge level 0.6m at bridge

#16065 24 Feb 2024 Pending Notes:

Access track blocked by high river level

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