Aire River Estuary


6 results found (Displaying 1 - 6)
ID Date Status Details
#16269 6 Jul 2024 Pending
Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 8.0 11.30 10.89 99.4 2.50
2.0m 9.0 7.4 0.00
#16188 27 May 2024 Pending Notes:

readings at base of jetty, channel is 1.5m offset but instrument can't safely access readings

Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 13.20 10.17 97.1 1.63
0.5m 11.80 10.41 96.7 1.72
#16142 27 Apr 2024 Pending Notes:

small fingerling fish found in water sampling bottle. approx 25mm long

no photos taken, conditions unchanged from previous visits

Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 8.1 13.60 9.93 96.1 1.03
0.5m 9.0 8.1 13.20 9.90 94.6 1.01
#16093 6 Apr 2024 Pending Notes:

significant rainfall in week prior (22mm)

ysi meter is set to Us/cm, so readings factored by 1000. 

Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.0 7.8 16.50 9.03 92.6 0.89
0.5m 9.0 7.3 16.10 8.71 88.9 0.91
#16070 23 Mar 2024 Pending Notes:

Low water level, o depth at base of jetty pilings, but channel reachable at 2m offset.

Could only manage readings to 1m depth safely. Boat or Kayak could have assisted midstream measurments. 

Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 14.5 7.0 18.10
1.0m 14.5 6.9 16.70
#16067 24 Feb 2024 Pending Notes:

Very high water, channel in next vist was not visible so no readings at 2m outfrom jetty for channel. 

Depth Turb NTU pH Temp ° C Salin ppt D.O. mg/L D.O. % sat EC mS/cm
0.1m 9.5 7.7 21.10 9.43 106.8 3.12
0.5m 9.5 7.8 20.80 9.39 105.8 3.09
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