Merricks Creek Estuary


98 results found (Displaying 51 - 98)
ID Date Status Details
#13693 4 May 2020 Pending Notes:

Creek mouth opened 2/5/20 after heavy rains. Berm height at breakout approx 2.1m AHD.

#13658 6 Apr 2020 Pending Notes:

40mm rain past 3 days.  Creek risen 30cm over past 2 days

#13600 2 Mar 2020 Pending
#13548 3 Feb 2020 Pending
#13484 7 Jan 2020 Pending
#13440 2 Dec 2019 Pending Notes:

Mouth closed over 22/11/2019 with creek at 0.82m. Very high tides over the past few days have seen the berm overtopped raising level to 1.40m.

#13381 4 Nov 2019 Pending
#13351 7 Oct 2019 Approved
#13299 2 Sep 2019 Approved
#13230 5 Aug 2019 Approved
#13174 1 Jul 2019 Approved Notes:

21/6/19 Creek broke out after a bit of shovelwork. Berm=2.1m AHD; Creek=2.01m

29/6/19 Creek closes. Creek = 0.7m AHD. High tide washes over berm

1/7/19 Creek opens O/N after rain. Creek height pm on 30/6 = 1.0m AHD

#13106 3 Jun 2019 Approved
#12904 6 May 2019 Approved Notes:

Creek mouth closed 11 April 2019 on 3.0m 0344 overnight high tide.

#12801 1 Apr 2019 Approved Notes:

Mouth almost blocked - very slow flow out and no inflow at high tide.

Significant amounts of seagrass in the estuary.

#12736 4 Mar 2019 Approved
#12681 4 Feb 2019 Approved
#12627 7 Jan 2019 Approved Notes:

Creek opened 15/12/18. Initiated by unauthorised shovelwork at mouth. Very powerful H2S odour throughout Somers. Affected exposed copper and brass plumbing.

#12564 3 Dec 2018 Approved Notes:

Waves washing over berm at high tide

#12486 5 Nov 2018 Approved Notes:

Mouth closed 11 Oct.

18 Oct - 22 Oct there was some outflow over the berm following rain but no channel formed.

29/30 Oct Some inflow on a 3.13m high tide then mouth closed. Small fish kill.

31 Oct - 4 Nov Some overtopping of berm at the peak of the tide.

#12429 1 Oct 2018 Approved Notes:

Creek mouth opened overnight 28/29 Sep. Height 1.55m. Very little scouring.

#12370 3 Sep 2018 Approved
#12315 8 Aug 2018 Approved Notes:

Berm opened overnight on 9-10 July. Creek height was 1.96m at 1800 on 9/7. Had been rising at about 10cm/day after rain

#12227 2 Jul 2018 Approved
#12113 5 Jun 2018 Approved
#12038 7 May 2018 Approved Notes:

High tide overtopped the berm pm of 3 May. Slight inflow for about 1.5 hours

#11928 30 Mar 2018 Approved Notes:

Creek blocked up overnight. Previously blocked 22/3/18 but high tide unblocked it 23/3/18.

At high tide at 11:26 waves were overlapping the nascent berm but there was minimal inflow.

#11849 5 Mar 2018 Approved
#11765 5 Feb 2018 Approved
#11696 2 Jan 2018 Approved
#11623 4 Dec 2017 Approved Notes:

Neap tides so "high" tide not high enough for any inflow against the last of the runoff from 60 mm of rain over past 3 days.

#11572 6 Nov 2017 Approved Notes:

Creek mouth has been opening & closing almost daily over the past week. The nascent berm was breached by the overnight high tide.

#11480 4 Oct 2017 Approved
#11428 5 Sep 2017 Approved Notes:

Attached additional photo of the mouth showing it deflected to the east by the build up of sand from the west across the usual mouth.

#11376 7 Aug 2017 Approved Notes:

Creek mouth opened 19/-7/2017

#11303 3 Jul 2017 Approved Notes:

Creek closed 23/06/2017

#11232 5 Jun 2017 Approved Notes:

Creek broke through berm 01/06/2017. Neap tides have meant there has been little or no inflow at high tide. Creek water is inky black and smells very strongly of H2S.

#11125 1 May 2017 Approved Notes:

Waves overtopping berm at high tide

#11029 30 Mar 2017 Approved Notes:

Installation of baffles completed 29/03/2017

#10885 6 Mar 2017 Approved
#10785 6 Feb 2017 Approved
#10659 2 Jan 2017 Approved
#10611 4 Dec 2016 Approved
#10539 7 Nov 2016 Approved
#10540 2 Oct 2016 Approved
#10543 5 Sep 2016 Approved Notes:

Heights are estimates as gauge was covered with seagrass.

#10545 2 May 2016 Approved
#10546 3 Apr 2016 Approved
#10547 7 Mar 2016 Approved
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